Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The price of milk...

You know it's just wrong when the price of milk is more then the price of a gallon of gas! I went into a WalMart and was appalled to see that the price of PET milk was nearly $6 a gallon!

Will someone please explain this to me??!!

A long few months...

Well, it's been an interesting few months. Strider's been gone alot, Bug's been getting her two year molars and I've been going nuts. While he was home on leave we finally finished the doorway where the water heater is, we framed it out and put up the new door. We also tore down all the paneling in the living room and the hall, it looks alot better. Minus the two tone paint job and the spackle everywhere it looks better. We're planning on waiting until fall to buy the paint and get the living room, hall and kitchen/dining room painted. That way we can have the windows open for ventilation.

I went in to see the doctor a week or so ago about my left shoulder, it's been killing me for the past few months. Anyway, he does this whole thing where he squeezed each of my joints, then he tells me that he wants me to have a full body x-ray done as well as a whole battery of blood work. When I asked him why, he said that it's to rule out some stuff and to confirm his diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis...lovely. I've had some bad days lately where the pain is so bad that I don't even want to get out of bed, but I have to...I have to take care of Bug.

The house is in serious need of a good cleaning, I've slacked off big time. Maybe I'll start on it this Friday or Saturday.

To top it all off, bug refuses to go to sleep tonight, she's like wired for sound. She needs to go to sleep, she really I can gather up the trash and get the can outside for the morning pickup then get to bed myself.

I really miss Strider, he'll be back sometime next week, hopefully Wednesday, late. I so need a break..again. When he was home on leave he got up with Bug just about every morning because I was getting up with her several times a night.

I have a new addiction...FlyFF...Fly For's a MMORPG, and it's alot of fun.

Anyway, time for me to go and try to get this kiddo down for bed.

Till next time...