Thursday, September 04, 2008

Unsaid things - a rant at people

I have had it with your fucking bullshit , I'm tired of you being part of my life! You dare to call MY cell and give ME a fucking attitude when you want to talk to your grandson! You make the flight arrangements BEFORE he finds out if he has the leave or not! You said YOU would pay for the fucking car rental then I find out that Strider had to when my card was fucking DECLINED!!!

And you, you fucking bitch of a MIL, you don't want to leave on an earlier flight because you don't want to get the up before 9am! Well you! Grow the up and put your big girl panties on and suck it the fuck up! I want Strider home BEFORE the storms hit!

So what, his grandfather died, like I give a flying rats ass! The two of you wished me dead and wished Bug had never been born! He got what he deserved! You'll get yours in the end too! I WANT YOU THE FUCK OUT OF OUR LIVES!!! If you EVER call here again I WILL HANG UP ON YOU!! I gave you both a second and third chance for Strider's sake! And you both screwed it up by ignoring me in MY OWN HOUSE AND MY MOMS HOUSE!!! THAT ENDS AS OF THIS MOMENT!! Highly aggressive? Oh, this is nothing, trust me, this is just me fuming! If you want to see me highly aggressive, I dare you to push my buttons one more time!! I've kept my mouth shut about you for long enough! I'm done holding my tongue when it comes to talking to you, which will NEVER happen again! Fuck you!

Back door frame - Why the did you have to break?! Don't we have enough shit to deal with without having to replace a door and frame??

Neighbors with dogs - CURB YOUR FUCKING DOGS!! I'm tired of picking up your dogs crap in my front yard!!

And Bug - I love you dearly, but I swear, if you don't start picking up your toys and behaving I'm going to pop you on the bare butt and send you to your room no matter how much or how loudly you scream about it.