Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Ever since we had the damned security storm doors put in, which were supposedly the highest quality doors made and would never break, rust, yadda, yadda, yadda, we have had nothing but troubles with them! We had them installed back in 2006, five months later had to have them repairs. Six months after that repaired again, six months after that repaired again. Then again in 2009, and now I'm fighting to get them removed/replaced and have the money refunded. When you sell a product with a lifetime warranty and say that it's the highest quality, it had damned well better be what you're toting.

I had called the repair office yesterday and asked that the guy call me back, I was told he would by the end of the business day yesterday. Not a work from him. So I called my contact at corporate, let's see if she calls me back. If not, I guess I'll be left with one option. Email the local news and make a complete mockery of Sears and contact my attorney to get this settled. ::sighs:: And people wonder why I hate Sears.

And that was the beginning of my day.

My mom had called me to ask me to call 911 because she saw a car hit a bicyclist. Well, I told her that since she was right there to call it in herself. Well, she called me back after getting the plate umber and told me that the kid who was hit by the car asked her not to call the police because he's in the country illegally and he works at McDonald's. SERIOUSLY?! I would have called it in anyway. McDonald's is hiring illegals to work for them??? What the fuck?!

< /rant >

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Even more recalls

The amount of recalls for everything is insane. We won't use anything by McNeil Labs due to the sheer amount of recalls on the children's medications(Tylenol, Benadryl, Zyrtec, RiteAid brand of Tylenol, etc). I won't endanger my child like that ever. As for the canned food and prepackaged food, we use fresh and still watch the recalls lists to ensure that what I'm feeding my family is safe for them as well as healthy.

Call me weird, I don't care, but I insist on making sure I feed my family, that being my husband, daughter(s) and my animals, all of them, the safest most nutritious food I can. Not to mention the amount of recalls on products, not just food, but just about everything, coming in from China(toys, treats, food, clothing, etc).

So, yeah, there's my opinion and what I do about it to assure my family's health and safety.

To check the recalls that affect us all you can go here. To look up specific recalls you can go here.

< /rant >

I hate politics

What the hell is wrong with this world? With the state if the economy my daughters grandchildren will be paying it off, then again, there won't be any social security if anything at all.

Some people seem to think that having a woman in office would be good for the country. Personally I don't see how. Mrs Clinton, she who was running the country while her hubby was busy getting a blow-job in the oval office fucked us up big time. Some people seem to think that Mrs Clinton saved us economically, I'm not so sure about that. If her husband, Bill Clinton actually helped us, then great. But the rest of the monkeys we've had I office including the latest one have done nothing but fuck up our country more than the one before. I understand that the presidents are nothing more than a figure head. But what will it a take for this country to get it's shit together. We keep fighting this "war" that could have been ended a long time ago. Stop pussy footing around and nuke the sons of bitches. How many opportunity have we had to end this whole thing? Quite a few I'll bet.

And people wonder why I stay out of politics, I hate it, to me it's all one big fucking three ring circus.

This country is going to hell in a hand basket. All the illegals coming in are taking our jobs because they're cheap labor. I don't give a fuck, we're over crowded as it is, kick them the fuck out! Make border patrol stronger and get the job done. Fill in the tunnels they use to cross the border with concrete. Stop letting them come in.

< /rant >

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Is there a Navy Wide blacklist with the wives? If so, am I on it? Seriously! Ever since we lived on Earle it's been like this. They treat me like crap, talk behind my back. Are they insecure? If they are then they need to get over their insecurities and grow the fuck up! Is it because I speak my mind?

Let's go back to the beginning shall we? When Strider and I first got married he was on the Detroit, the Ombudsman and the wives treated my like shit, complete and utter shit. Why, you ask? Because they were in shitty marriages, I was thin, had a career and enjoyed my life, so they hated me. In Annapolis I was liked by the guys more than the wives, nothing out of the ordinary there for me. Here I've been treated like shit by the wives, even the ones from other commands. Seriously! There have been a few that claimed to be friends of mine and then they turn around and stab me in the back or just flat our ignore me.

At one of Strider's commands we had gone to a cookout at night. I was rather pregnant with bug at the time. The women all avoided me like the plague, the guys on the other hand, they all gathered around me to talk and be cool. I asked Strider why and he said it's because I'm a threat to them. When I asked him what he meant he motioned to my body. Okay, so yet again the whole thing about me being thin and in shape plays part in how I'm treated. Talk about fucked up.

Oh well, they'll get over it or they won't. I'm not going to change who I am just so I'll fit into their little groups and get to play in their reindeer games, sorry, I'm not a follower. I'm not the sheep, I'm the wolf that eats the sheep.

Let's talk about commands for a second here. What would you say if your husband came home and asked you what you thought about him deploying for a year then tells you that his current command has gotten him thinking things like that? Well, I would hate it, but then I look on the bright side. I do have two bathrooms and the computer room that need to be gutted and redone. We all remember what happened the last time Strider deployed...I redid the kitchen and dining room.

But a year?! I can dig my heels in and deal with it if I have to, even if I really don't like it. I'm not a wimpy Navy wife, I can handle shit that's thrown at me, for the most part. Hell, I want to know who I need to talk to to start bashing some heads in.

The choices he mentioned aren't all that comforting either, there's Afghanistan, Iraq or the Horn of Africa. Let's see....kidnapped by terrorists and tortured at the best and killed at the worst...or... kidnapped and tortured or killed by pirates...yeah...not very comforting at all, know what I mean?

< /rant >