Friday, February 25, 2011

When will it end?

So you think you know what kind of stress I'm under....well, good for you. There are so many who said they'd be there if I ever needed a know what? There are maybe 4 people who I can actually depend on to be here if things take a turn for the worst.

You want to know what's going on...okay, I guess I'll fill you in.

About eight or ten years ago my mom was diagnosed with kidney insufficiency. Well, here we are all those years later and they're now saying she needs a transplant. I'm her medical advocate, what does that mean? It means that I handle hints when she can't and I also go with her to speak with the doctors and to make sure that everything is going smoothly and that they don't screw around. 

So far we've talked to the transplant surgeon and the vascular surgeon. During all the tests for the transplant surgeon they thought they saw either a blood clot or an inclusion in the artery going into her heart. So we went to the vascular surgeon. Well, he checked her out and said that hen was able to feel her aorta...yeah, not good. He mentioned two possibilities...he felt it as a result of an injury or a rare form of cancer. Talk about adding more to the plate of stress.

So now we have a bunch more tests that she has to go through before we'll have an answer as to wether or not we can go ahead with the kidney transplant or not.

On the good side, I have already gotten offers from four people who are AB blood type. They want to donate a kidney to her. Plus a lot of people who want to donate blood for her surgery.

Out of all the people I know only a few are stepped up to try to help. What would you want people to do if it was you who needed a a kidney, or other transplant? Wouldn't you want people to be selfless? Then why are people so selfish?

I swear, if there's a limit to how much stress I can handle I haven't found it yet. But it have a feeling I might find my limits soon.

With everything that's going on we found out that we can't trust the VITA office anymore to do our taxes.  Thanks to them we owe the IRS about a thousand dollars in back taxes, not to mention the four hundred something to defile the taxes from last year and what ever interest and penalties we get hit with. Before you, they're not going to help with any of it. They're volunteer which means they have zero liability. Totally fucked up if you ask me.

< \RANT >

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Let's not do that again...

I did a rather silly/stupid thing today. We have this container of Szedeg Steak rub, anyway, I decided to shake it, open it then sniff it...yeah, not so smart. It burned all the way up my nose, down my throat and into my lungs. Don't ever do this, never ever, unless of course you're into sniffing bath salts.

See...this is what happens when I suffer from sleep deprivation... On to sleep now...

< /rant >