Monday, March 28, 2011

Excuse me?!

There's a lot of chatter going on lately about us (military families) not getting paid as of the 15th of April. By chatter I mean from AirforceTimes, NavyTimes, ArmyTimes and so on. So far I have no found any concrete proof of this. The government did shut down once before in 1995, the military continued getting paid, albeit a few weeks late. But, will this time be different or is this all speculation? The sad part is that if this is going to happen we won't even know until it's time for pay to go through and we see 0$.

It would seem that our illustrious government can't seem to get it's collective heads out of their asses. I've heard so many different things on this subject, everything from the military, police, firefighters and others will not be getting paid yet the welfare folks will continue to get their pay checks. To me that's bullshit.

Congress, the president and the rest of our great government make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year yet they can't be bothered to take a pay cut to help our economy. Of course not, why should they when they can take away from those protecting our country? Sure, why not, they already cut our BAH, our dental coverage which wasn't much to begin with and increased our federal taxes. Why not make it so we have to scrape even more? And they also changed the minimum income for the EIC (Earned Income Credit), which means we didn't get it this year.

I'm starting to think that Obama wants only the rich and those on welfare to survive this financial crisis. Those of us who are middle class, working Americans or active duty military families are struggling in some places. Granted, not all of the financial woes are caused by the government. Look at personal spending for example, people tend to spend more then they can afford...oh...wait, that does have to do with our government, they raised the prices of everything, including gas.

< /rant >

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Oral surgery sucks, seriously it does. I had oral surgery on Thursday and my jaw is still hurting. They took out like 4 teeth, one of them had to be cut out because of how it broke, another had to be pulled because of the root puncturing my sinus cavity, lovely no? So here I am in pain, discomfort and bored. So what am I doing? I'm auto killing on Jade Dynasty and doing laundry...yup, I'm boring today.

Is it April yet?!?!?!? I wanna play Prius!!

Prius online is yet another MMORPG that I got into closed beta for. I already passed out my keys so don't even ask me for one. :P

< /rant >

Monday, March 07, 2011


So many people take our liberties and freedoms for granted. Here's an example...WBC(Westboro Baptist Church). They feel they have the God given right to picket and protest at military funerals, to yell profanities and untruths at the families of the fallen soldiers. They feel that the soldiers that die over in Iraq, Afghanistan or other war torn areas is because they are being punished by God for homosexuality. Seriously, where are these people getting this information from?

Recently the courts said they had the right to protest under the first amendment. freedom of speech is one thing, but to completely disrespect the family of a fallen soldier and to dishonor the fallen soldier should not be tolerated. We as a whole need to stand up against these people, shield the families of the fallen soldiers from them. What they are doing borderlines on hate crimes. Have they actually defiled any graves or harmed anyone yet? Not that I know of. But, that doesn't mean that they won't resort to that at some point in the future to get their point/vision across.

I can understand protesting against something you feel strongly about, but to do so at a funeral? Really? The WBC is nothing more then a bunch of religious zealots with loose screws. I'm telling you, there's something fundamentally wrong with these people. Why not protest things that are actually hurting our economy? Like the increase in federal taxes? Or the decrease in military BAH? Or the reduction of the annual raise the military gets? What about gas prices? Or how about tax on food/groceries? Why not any of those? Come on, people, wake up, there are more serious issues in this world then protesting a military funeral. Stop dishonoring our fallen heroes!

Throughout history we have seen all sorts of religious zealots. These people are no different. Why should we tolerate them? Why does the court agree to let them continue on? Due to the court's ruling the WBC plans on quadrupling their protests. See, the courts empowered them, added fuel to their fire. Yet, there is little we can do about it.

Getting the media to stop covering their protests won't work, the media sees them as a cash cow. Which they are. They protest a funeral of a fallen soldier, the media covers it, the people watch the news more, the media makes more money, it fuels the WBC, they work harder to dishonor our fallen soldiers. Can you see the pattern emerging here? I sure as hell do.

Tell me, what would you do if it were your husband or your wife that died in combat and these people showed would you feel? What would you do? How would you see their actions? Would you smile and say "Well, they have the right to speak their minds" or would you get in their faces and tell them to fuck off? Me personally? There wouldn't be enough police presence to keep me from seriously hurting them. They're dishonoring out heroes. Where's the justice in that?

Our men and women go to war to fight for our freedom to speak our minds, to assemble, to have the liberties and constitutional rights that we have...yet these idiots at the WBC are turning their sacrifice into something it's not. They're dishonoring their memories, they're treating them like they deserved to die.

I wonder, if one of the people in the WBC, if they had a child that joined the military and died in combat...would they allow the protests to happen at their sons/daughters funeral? I bet you they wouldn't. Talk about hypocritical.

Ever thought of emailing them? Sending them letters? I have. But what it accomplish? Most likely they'd throw the letters away or delete the emails. Do they not see what they're doing? Or are they so blinded by their faith, by what they think is true? What would they do if they found out that Jesus was bi-sexual? Go ahead, scream at me if you want, but if you look closely you'll see it. Hell, even the history channel hinted at the bi-sexual relationships between Jesus and his disciples. Maybe they should take a closer look at themselves, at their beliefs.

A funeral is a religious act/rite, a way for the family to let go of their loved ones. When they protest at a military funeral are they not getting in the way of said religious rite? Does that not make them blasphemers? Think about it. If God were to come down here today what do you think he/she would do about the WBC? I personally would like to think that he/she would come down here and slap the shit out of them and tell them to cut the shit. Then again, if God came down here I'm sure he/she would smack the shit out of a lot of people for being so damned stupid. Maybe it's just wishful thinking to hope that one day these people would have to bury a soldier from their own family and to see what they've been doing to others. But I doubt that will ever happen.

...and let the flame war begin...

< /RANT >


Last Tuesday I took Logan in to see the vet because he had diarrhea, we though it was because Bug had fed him 2 pickles a day for 6 days. Well, by Friday it was still bad so I took him back. They suspected Giardia and put him onto Metronidazole that's used for it as well as panacur powder that's added to his food. Yesterday I noticed blood, it looked like steak sauce color, so I called the e-vet. Let me tell you, the e-vet was awesome, she got all the info needed and then let me know that seeing blood is normal with Giardia.

It might be normal but you know what? The diarrhea needs to go away, poor Logan, it's like he has a hose attached to his ass. And yes, it's that bad. He has to wear an e-collar to keep him from licking his already raw testicles and his butt which is all swollen and sore. before the e-collar he licked himself clean which made him sick, he threw up a lot. but now we clean him after he goes outside and he'll not throwing up.

We also have to make sure we wash the blanket he lays on every day and we use hand sanitizer when we touch him, better safe then sorry. Seriously do not need any of us getting this parasite. I'm also keeping an eye on the cats.

Once the parasite's gone I'll be sprinkling the yard with diatomaceous earth to kill every kind of bug and parasite off that's there.

My poor pup.

< /RANT >