Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Nothing out of the ordinary

It's been a few weeks since I've written anything here.  It's been so busy lately that sometimes I wonder how I have the time to even think.  Between the orders that have been coming in and the stuff going on with my health, it's been crazy here.

What's up with my health?  Well, the Reader's Digest version is that I went in for a second opinion on the MRI because no one could give me an answer as to what the white spots are.  I went in for a second MRI as well as an MRI of the thoracic spine area to check for lesions.  If there are none then the spots on my brain were from a stroke that I may have had last year.

What, what?  Stroke?  Yes, I may have had a stroke last year that the ER said was nothing but an allergic reaction that affected my eye.  My left eye lid sagged so badly I felt it on my cheek, and my BP was well over 146/130 or something crazy like that.

You can see why I'm stressed out about it.  Who wouldn't be?

My business has been going pretty well.  I got in a bunch of orders for gift baskets and such.  Right now I have about 32 products which includes the variations of some of them.  I'm even branching out into sensual products, which I'll be asking two or three couples to test for me, they won't have to pay for the products they test. They'll have to do a survey each time they use the product so I know how it worked and what they thought of it.  They're input will help me to develop the product or make changes as needed.

I've ordered some new jars, I really like them. So far I've packaged the Hair & Body Wash into the new jars, as well as made a good sized batch of the Minty Lip Balm. Soon I'll be ordering some more supplies so that I can get the rest of the gift basket orders done and shipped out.

I still can't believe that I found out what I really love doing. I love doing this as much as I love cooking and spending time with my family.

On a different note, a good sized hurricane named Sandy threatened us, she stayed off the coast so we didn't get hit all that badly.  Mostly rain and wind, some areas around here got some flooding, which is normal for a nor'easter around here.  Up in NY & NJ though...they got hammered in a very serious way.  There are a lot of people that are without homes right now, so much flooding, sharks swimming in neighborhoods, and no that's not a joke.

My friends up in NJ are okay, which is a good thing, but I'm worried about Trianon, he's in New Brunswick and last I heard that area is flooded out. I pray to Bast that he's okay.

Well, time to get cleaning, this house needs a good cleaning followed by a good cleansing.

< /RANT >