Saturday, November 09, 2013

Is it over yet?

To say it's been a rough week and a half is putting it very mildly.

It all started last Tuesday when my mom called me not even two minutes after I had dropped her off.  Apparently someone poured gasoline all over her back and side yard, so we called the fire department who came out and checked it out.  That was the first in a series of felonies and injuries.

On Wednesday of last week I was attacked by my mom's dog, the breed of which doesn't matter, she was obviously not temperament tested properly, if she had been, my mom would have never have adopted her. My dog, Logan, saved me from a potentially serious dog attack.  His face was bitten up and the lower lid of his right eye was split open, the poor baby's face was so swollen and painful.  Logan ended up with several stitches and a drain in his face because when the other dog bit him she shook her head, which caused the flesh to pull away from the muscle causing a pocket.  Now he's still in the collar and will be until Monday when he gets his stitches out.  Thankfully Bug was around at the side of the house when it happened, the last thing I would have wanted would be for her to have witnessed such a frightening thing.  I'm covered in bruises and scrapes from the other dog and from being under the two of them.

Thursday of last week, which was Halloween, some asshat threw a small pumpkin at my car while I was driving.  The guys were all shouting as I drove by, they tried to incite my dog to attack while in the car then.  I hit my brakes, Bug was upset as was Logan, I turned the car around and opened the window, yelling at them asking who the hell threw it, well,they all scattered like fucking roaches.  So I asked a female that was with them, she gave me attitude, which only solidified by concerns about what I had heard and experienced.  I was on the phone with the 911 operator at that point, I gave the operator the descriptions of every single one of them, including the females.  An Officer showed up later that evening to file a report for me.  It was yet another felony report.

Then on Friday the asshats behind my mom called the police on her for the cameras that we had set up around her yard after the attempted arson, which is what the gasoline spillage was labeled as by the FD as well as the PD. The officer that showed up informed them that my mom was/is well within her legal rights to put up the cameras.  On Monday of this week the lady of the house, I assume the owner, came outside and confronted me about the camera facing her property, I was oh so very pleasant, even smiling the entire time while I explained to her that we were within our legal right and why the camera was in that specific direction. I informed her about the attempted arson, about how my mom's dog was killed and even more.  Ever since then the people have been quiet and not bothering my mom at all.

To top it all off Bug was sick all last week, that was just added stress.

Everything seemed to be okay until Thursday when I got a text from Strider that said he was in the hospital after falling off his bike on his way from the boat to the apartment. He said he'd be there over night and that he'd contact me Friday...well, he didn't. I had tried to get in touch with him from 7am EST Feiday until 11am EST, I finally had enough of the sitting around and worrying that I called Tri-care, they put me in contact with the right area, who then transferred me to to their London office, who was then able to get me on the phone with Strider.  He sounded totally out of it and knew nothing about the results of the CT scans. After a short time after that I added international calling to my cell plan and called the hospital myself and got the information I needed.  I also called the lady I had thought was the ombudsman, turns out she's no longer the ombudsman. That's when I got even more pissed off...turns out that they now have the ombudsman for the boat in Bahrain and not one here in the US despite only 2 families being there while the rest are here! The captain of the boat NEVER bothered to call the ombudsman to have her contact me to let me know that Strider was in the hospital and what was going on. He seriously dropped the fucking ball and I want to know why.

I told the ombudsman in Bahrain that I want the captain to call me within 24 hours, I have a feeling he won't even bother.  That's all fine by me, he refuses to call me I go above him to the commander of the base out there and file a formal grievance against him for the way things were handled.  If he dropped the ball on this what else could he be covering up? It leaves a lot of questions in my mind.  As for the ombudsman for the boat in Bahrain...she's a fucking idiot. I thin she had me on speaker the entire time we were speaking, which is against the regulations, the conversations between her and the spouses are supposed to be private and confidential. Needless to say, I want to know why there aren't 2 ombudsmans, one out in Bahrain and one here, I also want to know why I wasn't notified of what was going on with Strider WHEN it happened.

And that all leads me to where I am right now, I've had one person to talk to, no one else even gets what I'm going through.  They all say how sorry they are, I'm tired of hearing how sorry they are. I just want my husband home and safe.

< /RANT >