Saturday, January 23, 2016

Fucking idiots!

Back in October I had posted about the hell my house was in. Well, everything was finally fixed, there were a few bumps along the way, like the contractors not finishing what they started, the owner of the contracting company getting his panties in a bunch and getting bitchy with me. I'm sorry, but I hired him to do a job, I expected it to be done to my satisfaction, not his. Even now there are some of the floor boards that aren't seated correctly, but will he come out here to see them so he can fix them? Nope, he didn't even bother doing a final walk through to make sure the walk had been done correctly the first time.

One of his guys even went so far as to throw lit cigarettes into Bug's Fairy Garden...umm...that's a big no no! He got what he deserved though.  He was rushing to get the word done, not even caring about the quality of the work, and he ended up splaying his hand open on the table saw. Talk about just deserts. But did his boss even care about that? Nope.  When he finally did respond to my email he got snarky as hell with me! Excuse me?!? I'll never hire that company EVER again!

He had promised the house would be finished by wasn't done.  It was finally finished the week AFTER Thanksgiving.

I mean, shit, if someone hires you to do a job, do the fucking job, seriously, it saves everyone the anxiety and saves you from getting my foot up your ass...or lawyer on your ass.

Speaking of lawyers, my insurance company hired a lawyer to go after the guy that caused all this mess, I'm not even sure they'll get their money back from him.  I'm not even sure if they'll get my deductible back from him.

This whole thing has been rough and really put a strain on our lives in this house. But, now that it's all fixed, we can cook at home again, no need to go out for every damned meal. That was crazy expensive!

Now all I need to do is motivate Strider to help me do the rest of the work in the house. We have the two bathrooms to refinish as well as three bedrooms. I want to have them done within this calendar year if possible...without hiring someone to do it.

During the time that we had no living room or kitchen we ended up doing Bug's classes as best as possible. Sadly during that time Aim's boys didn't even do any of their work and fell seriously behind...and they kept falling behind, they're STILL behind. Seriously?!? I just don't get it...but that's a rant for another day...

< /RANT >