Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sick day

Poor Bug's sick, her fever has been bouncing up and down all day...going from 100.6 all the way up to 102 degrees. We'vebeen giving her tylenol and keeping her warm but I'm just worried that this is the start of something.

I'm probably going to be up all night with her just to make sure she's going to be alright. Strider and I will be taking shifts if we have to.

Okay, mommy break is about over, time to get back to Bug.

Addendum: Bug's fever went up to 102.6 around 6am then broke around 930am. Her fever was gone completely and hasn't come back at all.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Clingy Bug

They say that as they get older babies develop their own personality as well as choose a favorite parent..I didn't think it would happen this early. Bug just turned 13 months about a week ago, for the past six or so months she only wants me to hold her. When Strider holds her when I try to pass her over to him so I can get a few minute break she flips out. When she gets hurt she comes crying to me. The worst thing she's been doing is hitting me. When I catch her opening something she shouldn't be opening I smack or flick her hand...Could that be causing her to hit me? I dunno.

Then there's the food time...when it's time to eat she will not feed herself. If I set the food on her tray for her to feed herself she'll throw it everywhere. I end up having to feed her. It's as though she wants to be waited on or something.

Then there's the hitting herself, the tantrums, although they're both short lived they still worry me a bit. I've read that it's normal for babies her age to hit themselves and bite themselves when frustrated. She only does it when she's frustrated, tired or just plain grumpy. I usually end up having to fight with her to get her to take a nap, and sometimes it's a fight to get her to go to bed at night. Though some nights are infinitely easier then the nights that she passes out while drinking her nightly bottle of warm milk.

Ah well, I guess this is all par the course.