Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Amazon's at it again...

Is it really right for a company to try to bully a publisher to get them to raise their prices? I thing it's rediculous how Amazon tries to do that with my publisher. Here's the email I got from my publisher.

Dear author:
PublishAmerica is drastically reducing sales prices of all titles on its own website!
A little background: A few weeks ago we shared with you news about the pressure that many publishers were receiving from online vendor As you know, PublishAmerica refused to budge. Today we can also report that this was not the first time that Amazon attempted to strong-arm PublishAmerica.
Roughly a year ago Amazon forced PublishAmerica to raise the pricing of our own books on our own website. They would not allow us to sell our almost 30,000 titles at sales prices lower than what Amazon chose to charge, and they threatened us with the very same retaliation that followed a year later after all. We complied at the time, and have been charging full list price in our own online store, because Amazon also charged full list price.
Staring down the bully: Now that Amazon has decided to punish PublishAmerica anyway for resisting further bullying, the time has come to reduce prices in our own online bookstore. And as an introductory step we will now slash our prices in half.
That's right: all book sales on PublishAmerica's website are at a 50 pct discount. Royalties are paid on all online sales. Go see for yourself at
The introductory offer will expire April 28, when discounts will go back to approximately where they were before Amazon first attempted to dictate the nation's vending terms.
Thank you!

PublishAmerica Author Support team