Thursday, July 19, 2012

SAHM summer

When someone asks how you spent your summer...what will you tell then?  I know what I'd say.  I spent the summer having fun with my daughter, going places with her, doing crafts with her, swimming with her, laughing with her and teaching her neat little science facts while doing silly experiments.  I work out as much as I can (depending on my pain lever that day) when she's asleep so it doesn't take away from the time we can spend together doing things.  So...what did you do this summer?

Yes, I'm a SAHM and proud of it. I'm so tired of the "Oh, you're a just a mom, you don't work like I do" comments...really?  I don't work hard?  Maybe those kinds of people should take a lesson in being a SAHM, seriously, we work our asses of.

Among the usual house cleaning, laundry and dishes, here's what I am in this house hold: nurse, teacher, counselor, ATM, cook, chauffeur, hair dresser, event planner, alarm clock, maid, waitress, handyman, security, photographer, referee and I also scare away the bad dreams, the boogie-man, the monsters in the closets and under the bed. I get no days off, no sick days, no personal days, I'm on call 24/7 tell me again that I'm "just a mom", please.

I enjoy being a SAHM, I truly do, it gives me the opportunity to help Bug learn and keep things running smoothly. Would I like to work? Sure, I wouldn't mind being a WAHM. It would give me the opportunity to work and take care of everything here at the house and spend time with Bug.

Take today for instance, we went to Michael's for their Passport to Imagination, today it was Spain.  Bug had a blast making the crafts.  After dinner with my mom we came home and made silly putty, well, technically it was a polymer, but still basically silly putty only more cool and oh so easy to make!

Tomorrow, which is my birthday, will be spend doing crafts with Bug and making some more homemade supplies.  We're out of toilet/bathroom cleaner, disinfecting cloths and all purpose cleaner, so it's time to make some.

< /RANT >