Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bird seed and the sink

Ever wonder what happens when your kid spills bird seed in the sink and doesn't clean it up? Well, Bug found out what happens first hand today. It grows plant life in the drain. And yes, I find this amusing. Not just amusing, it was actually kinda cool the way it looked and how it was growing up from the drain around the drain stopper.

You can see the little seedlings reaching up from the drain, kinda cool looking, and creepy at the same time. At first I didn't know what the hell it was that was coming up out of the drain! I thought it was some kind of strange creature that I hadn't seen before! Thankfully though, it was just the seeds growing.

I knew that I would have to take the pipes apart and make sure that the roots didn't go past the trap, thankfully they didn't even get that far. When I took removed the first part to get the stopper out I found that it was rotted. After I pulled it off I pulled the stopper out to look at how it was all growing in the pipe, when I cleaned it out a chunk of metal came out with the seedlings and a rather good sized glop of hair...small in beard hairs...thank you, Strider, I needed to see that nasty gloppy stuff. So now I have to go out tomorrow or Monday and buy a new drain assembly for the sink, may as well dismantle the one in the other bathroom too and just replace them both at the same time. It;ll make my life easier and prevent me from possibly having a melt down if the stopped in the other sink suddenly gives up what little life is left in it.

Here's the moral of this story...The good news is that the drain is fixed....bad news is I have more work ahead of me. If it wasn't for Angie accidentally spilling the seed down the drain I never would have known about the rotted parts.

See, things happen for a reason, this is one of those times that makes me so glad that I'm not one of those moms that yells about everything. Instead I turned it into a lesson and explained to her how it clogged the sink and how it grew. So now there is a small container of seeds soaking in water for her to grow so she can see what they will become.

< /RANT >


Unknown said...

Well, it’s nice that the bird seed incident prompted an inspection of the pipes. I’d probably also be weirded out if I see plants growing out of the sink. Anyway, I hope this also served as a reminder so check for clogs every now and then, so that you can prevent that glop buildup from happening again. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a great day!

Traci Romero @ Harris Plumbing