Sunday, August 09, 2015

Quit bitching

So tired of seeing all the anti-gun crap. If you don't want a gun, don't get one. If you don't have a gun when you need it to protect yourself don't cry about it and blame the gun the bad guy has. 

It wasn't the gun or the Confederate battle flag that killed those people in South Carolina, it was a young man that was seriously messed up in the head. Instead of blaming the man people start freaking out about the flag, seriously people, get a fucking grip!

When these crazy people go into schools and kill innocent people everyone starts yelling for stronger gun control. That won't help the situation. The people was messed up in the head. 

If you take guns away from the citizens you take away their ability to protect themselves.

Look what happened not long ago on that base, a terrorist got onto the base and a navy man with his own sidearm shot the terrorist. No one freaked out about it, why? Because it was a good kill. 

Guns don't kill people, I have a gun on my nightstand and not once has it gone off on its own and killed someone. (Had to say it)

It's people that kill people, it's people that kill animals for sport, it's people that mistreat dogs and make them mean.

Stop blaming the gun, the dog, the food, the flag, the statue, or what ever the fuck your blaming for the bad shit in this world and start blaming the people that do the bad shit!
