Sunday, March 26, 2006

Is it just me?

Yesterday I went to Home Depot to get a quote on having the ocuntertop in our kitchen replaced. The quote they gave me for it was higher then what Lowes's wanted. Home Depot wanted almost a grand and Lowes wanted about 850$. But the good news is that the guy showed me how to do it myself and we're going to give it a shot. It'll be cheaper to do it ourselves anyway. The countertop we're looking at has no backsplash on it, which will make it easier for me to do the tiling on the wall.

Bug did really good yesterday, she ate alot. The only bad thing was that while I was out doing the errands Strider called me to find out if I was on my way home yet, which I was. He said that Bug was being rather fussy. As soon as I walked in the door she was all smiles, guess she just wanted her mama.

Bug's still asleep so I can get a few things done aruond the house. Then it's all Bug time until Strider gets homes. He's supposed to be coming home early because I have a dr's appointment. Hopefully Bug will be calm for him today and not get fussy because mama's not in her sight.