Monday, October 15, 2007

Pneumothorax...a scary word

Spontaneous Pneumothorax is a scary word, even more so when you're the one told that it you have one. A few weeks ago I went in to see my doctor because I thought I was coming down with bronchitis, the doc decided to do a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia... after the visit we went home, then right back to the doctors for Bug's 2 year appointment, that's when they told me that my doctor wanted me back in his office STAT. He said it was an emergency situation. So, after Bug's appointment we went back to see him, that when he told me the news...I had a Spontaneous Pnuemothorax, my right lung had a 30% about terrifying. I couldn't help but laugh. So, after nearly 6 hours in the ER and no change to the amount of collapse they sent me home.

I had to make an appointment with the thorasic surgeon for a follow up, which went good. All except for him telling me that there's a 30% chance this can and most likely will happen again, and if it does that I'll have no choice but to have surgery. He also said that I'll hopefully out grow this by the time I turn years to go..

I still have about 3 1/2 weeks of restrictive activity, can't lift things and have to to try not to cough too hard and so on. Other then the errant pain in my chest I'm doing pretty good. Poor Bug though, she was so scared seeing me in the ER with all the wires for the monitors on me and the IV in my arm...I was just lucky that they didn't have to put a chest tube in.