Monday, March 17, 2008

Yesterday (A new poem...finally)

It feels like just yesterday
That you told me you loved me
That you held me in your arms for the first time
That we kissed with so much passion
It was the beginning of our life together

Do you remember how it all started?
I do, like it was yesterday
I stood at the booth in jeans and a chainmaille bikini top
You were arrogant and stubborn
You stalked me, hunted me, pursued me

There was nowhere for me to hide
In the end I gave into your desires
I took you home with me, you met my mom
You took me to see my brother in the hospital
You took me out for got a ticket for no headlights

We made love with passion unbridled
We said words so sweet and full of hope
When the leaves began to fall from the trees
You asked me to marry you, but not in the traditional way
More like a common place discussion is what it was

I dropped my wine glass and stared at you
I said yes with a smile and a glad heart
But I had my doubts about your sincerity
Until the day you put that ring on my finger
And we said I do

We have been through so much together
We've grown so strong together
We've created a child together
And now you're going away
So far away from me, it hurts my heart

I pray that you'll return to me
That you'll be safe
That you'll be secure and in good health
You are my world, my life, my love
You bring me passion and thoughts that I cannot speak

Do you remember how it felt?
When we kissed that last time?
It was like the flame was burning so deep within us
That nothing could quell it
And now I wait for you to return to me, my love

We are one in so many ways
But do you remember when it first became obvious?
I do, like it was yesterday
We were swimming in the lake at the mountain
I looked into your eyes and asked you if you loved me

You said you did as you stared deep into my eyes
I knew at that very moment that it would be forever
I write in my journal for you, so you can read my thoughts
I help our daughter to paint, to sculpt to draw things for you
I have your picture all over the house

I miss you more with every passing day
My heart cries out for you
My body screams for your touch
My lips beg to taste your kiss
I remember how it felt to touch you, to kiss you

When you return to me we will kindle that flame once more
We will be as one again
We will be stronger then ever before
We will endure the distance and grow from it
Yesterday is our tomorrow

It feels like yesterday that I held you in my arms
That I kissed your lips
Touched your face
Held your hand
I miss you, my love