Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Unnatural things...

Turducken.......really? Who thought this up? I mean, seriously, this is the most unnatural thing I have ever seen let alone heard of. A duck inside of a chicken inside of a turkey....yeah, okay, seriously, what did the duck do to deserve being shoved up into a chicken? And while we're at it, what did then chicken do to deserve being shoved up into a turkey? Am I the only one who finds this a bit disturbing? It's just unnatural, seriously, zombies are more natural then the turducken...well, to me they are. Does that make me completely insane? Probably.

Let's not even get me started on the turduckenoose...

Person who likes turducken- "We're having turducken for dinner"

Me- *blink blink* "I'm gonna go find a zombie now.....".

That's how it would go in my house, seriously, I'm not kidding you. Even my brother thinks it's unnatural, and dare I say, he's unnatural to begin with.

We all known that I'm a little bit off kilter, well, maybe a bit more then little.

< /rant >