Sunday, December 19, 2010


I swear, Strider's been pissing me off lately. He seems to think that I do nothing all day. Today he turned on the PS2 and put I. A game, Bug had asked him several questions about the game he was playing and he just ignored her. That's just wrong, seriously wrong. So I asked him why he's not playing with her, he said that he wanted to play the game alone. You know what? I never get to okay a game alone! Never! I always play with Angie, I always make sure that she's enjoying herself and having fun.

He's on leave for the next two weeks, and I can guarantee that he will not want to do much of anything. Bug had asked hin to play a game with him and he got all pissy. I'm sorry if our daughters wants to play a game with him. So then he sits down to play checkers with her and he starts telling her to move "vertically", I'm sorry, a five year old doesn't know words like that. So I told her corner to corner, which she understood. Then I asked him to let her win, the look ha shave me. I wanted him to build up her confidence I playing before getting serious about it. Maybe it's just me, but I feel that you need to build up your kids confidence if you want them to be able to succeed in anything. If they don't ha e the confidence they won't be able to do much of anything with confidence.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother anymore...

< /rant >