Monday, May 16, 2011

Blowing off some steam...

I've noticed something, and yes I know it's been an issue for many years, but not as prolific as it is now...teen pregnancy....seriously?  Don't these kids know that having a kid in high school can make it so they never get to experience certain things in life?  I know, I know, horrible person for even bringing it up...but seriously.  And now there's a reality show about it...WFT?!

Down here in VA the big thing seems to be feasting off the system.  And by that I mean welfare, food stamps and so on. I understand WIC for pregnant women, even though according to them I did not qualify for it when I was pregnant with Bug..what a crock of shit.  Anyway.  I see all these people driving these Lexus', BMW's, Mercedes and so on, yet in the grocery stores they're using their food stamps cards and welfare checks. Where exactly does that make sense?

Don't even get me started on the people with those ridiculous low rider tires on their cars.  Seriously. I saw them the other day and the people who got out, a man and his kids, the kids were dressed like he had no money, yet he could afford those kinds of rims and tires?  Is it a status symbol? If so, what the fuck kind of status is it portraying?  Ignore your kids and spend on your car? Is it really that important for people to have posh cars when they can't even afford to put food on the table?

Then you have the people like my little brother who have to live in the most posh neighborhoods that are occupied with nothing but doctors and lawyers...all in the hopes of looking like they have more then they really do.  Why are people so into image?  Really?  Why do they have to pretend to be something/someone they're not?

But you know what really burns my ass? The grossly overweight assholes that make rude and hurtful comments about people like myself who are thin.  I have some overweight friends, but you know what? I wouldn't change them for the world, why? Because they're the best friends anyone could ask for. Brenna is my soul sister and I love her, same with Mouse, I love her too.  But the women like the one at the buffet last night...she had no right what so frakking ever to be so damned nasty because I'm thin.

All my life I've dealt with the comments all my life, the comments that cut deeply and leave me feeling like shit.  People ask me why I have little to self esteem, maybe now you'll understand why. And it's not just from people I run into at restaurants or at the stores, it's been from doctors and teachers as well.  Over the years I've learned to just smile and move on, no matter how much the comments hurt.  Several of my friends have told me that they think I'm beautiful, even Strider tells me on occasion, but I still don't feel it.  I just don't see it when I look in the mirror.

< /RANT >