Sunday, June 05, 2011

I need a break...

I'm not sure how much more I can handle, seriously, it's getting to the point where I'm ready to start smacking some heads around.

Strider left about a week ago, which is fine, I know he's got to do it even if we don't like it, but then comes all the crap that comes along with him leaving.  I'll spell it all out for you.

Firstly, not even a few days after he left we have tornadoes.  One touched down about 1/2 a block away from my house. I was looking out the front window while Talking to Strider on the phone when I saw it.  Both the power and the cell phone died at the same time. I had gotten Bug into the bath tub and under a blanket, just in case.  It got so damned loud in the house, and she was so scared.  We finally got power back after a little over 24 hours, which brings me to stage two of everything...all the food in the fridge and freezer had melted/thawed/gone we lost a little over 300$ worth of food.  I had just gone grocery shopping not even three days prior. Thankfully our home owners insurance covers food spoilage.

And now on to the next phase...lots of arguments with my mother, seriously.  She's always finding something to complain about, and it's always about the same damned thing.

Next phase...Sears...yup...Sears again.  This time it's over the bill.  I had changed when I paid the damned bill to keep them happy, and now they're saying that the payments are even later then before which is bullshit. What's happening is that NFCU transmits the money to them then they take their sweet fracking time in crediting it to my account, which makes the payment late, so now I have to call a manager on Monday and give him or her a piece of my mind.

Next is my mother yet again.  She had said that she would pay for the Aquarium membership renewal if I upgraded our Zoo membership to include her, so I did, well, she didn't do her part. Poor Bug was so upset that she was crying.  My mom blamed on going to the Pow Wow yesterday and buying Bug a buck skin hide, so now she's returning the snow cone maker she got for herself and the flavorings.  Did I mention how she tries to get Bug into trouble by lying about what's said even if I'm right there in the room? She actually called bug an instigator.

Okay, sure, Bug can be angry at times, but she learned it from watching how my mother treats me and treats other people. She picked up on the panicking over little shit, so now she does it all the time. I try so hard to be nice, I really do, but I can't keep being nice when she starts to damned much trouble.

And then there's David....really?  Seriously? he's trying to go for custody of a kid that might not even be his, he treated those of us who helped him out like crap. He only texts or calls me when he wants something, which isn't right at all. That's not how you treat your friends/family.  Ever since he went to stay with this other couple he's been like this, and I don't like it.  We went out of our way to pick him up from the airport when he got back from Japan, we went out of our way to give him a place to stay and even let him drive Strider's Jeep, which he wrecked in a car accident.  What else an I do but to ignore someone whom I thought was a good person who turned out to be an asshole?

Add all of that to menopause and you have one hell of a shit storm, especially if you trace it all back to when it started...last September when my cousin Mark died in a car accident.

< /RANT >