Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Narrow minds

I just love how narrow minded people are.  It really does make me feel sorry for them.  Especially those that claim to be like you when you first meet them, then suddenly they're the opposite and are oh so much better then you. Those people that feel threatened by your ideals, by your beliefs, by your opinions, those are the ones that I truly feel sorry for.

If you feel threatened by someone's beliefs or their sexual orientation I feel sorry for you. There's no reason to feel threatened unless you yourself feel the same but are afraid to voice it.  Fear holds you back, fear makes you hate.

I don't push my beliefs on anyone, if people don't like that I don't follow their ways, or their god, they can either walk away or not even bother. My beliefs are strong because of the life I've lead, which isn't for everyone, I've been ostracized, chastised, ridiculed, bullied and tormented my entire life for being who and what I am, I won't stand for it any more. I'm pagan, I will never cheat on my husband or neglect my child, I make homemade things for my friends and family out of love.

If you feel that I have somehow wronged you or rubbed you the wrong way then by all means, tell me why or get the hell out of my life.  You're not amusing anyone, all you're doing is making your life worse.  Remember that, the more you hate, the more you bash, the more you disrespect...the more of that that will come back to you in the long run.

< /RANT >

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Can I get a redo on my day?

My day started out well enough, until we got to Petsmart and my mom got into it with Bug. Bug said my mom flipped her off and my mom said Bug was lying. Bug doesn't lie to me anymore, she learned her lesson.  My mom had said that she needed stuff from the stores we were going to, that's why I brought her with us, and yet again she acts like a 2 year old. Seriously, she's 60 some odd years old and can't act like an adult.

Then when we were at Kroger's Bug almost got hit in a parking lot by some old asshole that refused to yield. I had to yank her back, then he had the balls to tell me I was in the wrong even though it's state law to yield to pedestrians in parking lots.  What the hell is wrong with people? 

We got home and we're doing the dishes before I made dinner, my kitchen sink backed up so badly that I had to use a plunger after emptying all the dirty and wet dishes onto the stove. 

To top it all off the dog stepped on Bug's ankle so hard that she was in tears for the past 45 minutes. So now we're sitting here at the E.R. Waiting to be seem. 

All this and we have a storm over us with winds about 20mph with 60mph gusts and torrential rain. 

To say my day has been rough is an understatement. I just want to crawl into a hole and hide for a while.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Emotional Spring Cleaning

Time for some spring cleaning of the emotional kind. 

Over the years I've lost a lot of friends, most decided they didn't want to talk to me anymore but never had the guts to say anything to my face.  

In the past year things have been hard for Bug and I. I've tried reaching out to friends, but they're always so busy. 

Maybe it's time I just stop reaching out at all. Stop trying to get together with 'friends'. I can't keep going through this, I can't keep letting Bug go through this too, especially when those so called friends have kids that Bug is/was friends with. 

It hurts that people are like this. But apparently we're not good enough for them. Even the people that I've met since we've moved here have stopped talking to me. 

Guess I'm just not good enough for them.  Screw them all, when they call needing something, needing a friend or what ever....I won't be there for them.  Why should I be there for them of they're never there for me? Of they need a friend they can turn to their husbands or their other friends. I'll be here with Bug missing my husband and keeping things going for the next 10 months without him. 

So to all you assholes that decided that I wasn't good enough to even talk to anymore.....fuck you! 

They know who they are, they're people I've known for years or people I've recently met since Bug started school, either way they suck and have shown to me that they're not worth my time.  Kind of like certain family members, they're too good to even call us or text, so they're not worth the time either.

There are some are always going to be in my life, they're the ones that have always been there for me no matter what. I've been there for them throughout the years and that's never going to change.

Now I'm going to eat sushi with my Bug. 

< /RANT >