Friday, April 04, 2014

Emotional Spring Cleaning

Time for some spring cleaning of the emotional kind. 

Over the years I've lost a lot of friends, most decided they didn't want to talk to me anymore but never had the guts to say anything to my face.  

In the past year things have been hard for Bug and I. I've tried reaching out to friends, but they're always so busy. 

Maybe it's time I just stop reaching out at all. Stop trying to get together with 'friends'. I can't keep going through this, I can't keep letting Bug go through this too, especially when those so called friends have kids that Bug is/was friends with. 

It hurts that people are like this. But apparently we're not good enough for them. Even the people that I've met since we've moved here have stopped talking to me. 

Guess I'm just not good enough for them.  Screw them all, when they call needing something, needing a friend or what ever....I won't be there for them.  Why should I be there for them of they're never there for me? Of they need a friend they can turn to their husbands or their other friends. I'll be here with Bug missing my husband and keeping things going for the next 10 months without him. 

So to all you assholes that decided that I wasn't good enough to even talk to anymore.....fuck you! 

They know who they are, they're people I've known for years or people I've recently met since Bug started school, either way they suck and have shown to me that they're not worth my time.  Kind of like certain family members, they're too good to even call us or text, so they're not worth the time either.

There are some are always going to be in my life, they're the ones that have always been there for me no matter what. I've been there for them throughout the years and that's never going to change.

Now I'm going to eat sushi with my Bug. 

< /RANT >