Monday, April 06, 2015

ER's & doctors galore

It's been so long since I wrote anything here, it's been so busy and hectic that I guess I forgot that this was even here. I know, horrible of me to forget that the one place I can vent and let my feelings be known. I'll try to do better next time.

Last Tuesday my mom had gone to see a doctor that she was hoping would become her primary, sadly that didn't work out, but, the doctor did see her about her massive headache. The doctor said that if she got another headache that she needed to get into the ER immediately. Well, she got more. A lot more. 

We had been sitting in Red Robin having lunch and trying to relax, her headaches got so bad that I called 911. I also had to call Strider to have home come get Bug. When the EMT's got there they took her BP, which was 200/145, her heart rate was down in the 40's, which concerned the EMT's as well as myself.  They ended up taking her to Maryview ER, which was a good thing. She had gone into sinus bradycardia twice in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, the EMT that was in the back of the ambulance with her was very concerned. 

Once at the hospital they took her right in, put her onto fluids heart monitor and shock pads just in case her heart rate dropped again.  They did a CT and found no evidence of a stroke or aneurism., which was good yet bad at the same time because it left us with more questions as to what caused this to happen. 

It was a crazy night, they had even told her that she may need a pace maker. The nurse had even gone as far as explaining to us how they would put the pace maker in, the way the wires are wrapped around the heart and the little electronic part is under the skin. After talking to the doctors and nurse, we then talked to a neurologist via a teleconference, which was so cool. He was able to zoom the camera in and even control the movements of it. Very state of the art.

The following day we saw her primary doctor who was very concerned about everything that happened. A lot of tests were ordered, echocardiogram, halter monitor, cardiologist, MRI, neurologist, blood tests. 

And that all leads up to today...we're at the Belleharbour Sanatara heart center to see the cardiologist and to have some of the cardio tests and such done if they can do them today.

So much on my shoulders right now, I'm trying to figure out how I'm even handling this.

Later I'll write about what possibly lead up to all of this.