Thursday, June 07, 2007

It's been a while

Okay, so it's been a while since I've written anything here, it's been a busy month or so. Back on May 15th Bug had her surgery. It went well, the only bad part was when she came out of the anesthesia she panicked and was inconsolable. Thankfully I was able to hold on until we knew she was alright and everything had gone well. From the moment I heard the words "she needs surgery to fix her eyes" my stomach had been queezy. Once we knew she was alright my blood pressure bottomed out and my heart started to act up, I barely made it to the bathroom without passing out, one of the ambulatory nurses had to help me to the bathroom. But, once I puked I felt so much better. We brought her home a few hours later, she was a bit cranky at first, which was understandable, I mean hell, her eyes were killing her and she couldn't open them without them hurting. The next day, though, she was up and running like nothing had happened. Now she's doing great and not tripping over anything. We've already had her first post op appointment, her next one is on the 21st of June. But, so far all is good with the Bug's eyes. YAY!

On another note, I started to make jewelry to keep my sanity and to help with the post pardom depression, it's really been helping me to deal with it better. I've even sold quite a few pieces. You can see them all here. Spider Designs Or here Spider Designs Blog.

This past week I've had the gates down that normally block off the bedroom and the kitchen from the Bug. She's been doing really well with the gates down. I'm so proud of her!

Anyway, it's about bath time for the Bug, so I need to go get her bath ready while Strider keeps her happy for a few minutes.

Until next time!