Monday, April 12, 2010

Let's add insult to inury, shall we?

Okay, so a few weeks ago I bashed up my toes to the point of being put in a foot immobilizer, not so bad really, I heal quickly so it was about a week of that.

Menopause has been kicking my ass something fierce. The hot flashes and night sweats have mostly gone away, I've been gaining weight which is awesome in my book. You want to know the best part? My boobs grew! * does the happy jiggly boob dance* What? You think I'm insane? Well, I'm not, you see, I've always been the thorn in the boob fairies side because I've always wanted bigger boobs. They didn't even blossom until I was eighteen or nineteen, which sucked for high school. They've always been small, like A small. Now they're a nice curvaceous B! So, yeah, I'm happy about that. Just like I'm happy about gaining weight. Yet again, I know you think I'm crazy. Imagine being a size 00 all your life. Sucks, doesn't it? Now, thanks to menopause, I'm a size 1!

This brings us to this past week. Bug's not doing the patch therapy anymore, now it's the drop therapy. So three days a week, consecutive days mind you, I have to put a drop of Atropine into her left eye. Yeah, you heard me right, Atropine, the stuff derived from Belladonna, jimsonweed, mandrake root and other solanaceae plants. It was horrible at first, she screamed so loudly while Strider and I held her down to put the drop in on Saturday morning. Yesterday was a bit easier and today was a breeze.

Yesterday while Strider was working on the trim in our bedroom and part of the hall I was outside doing gardening with Bug. I rolled my left ankle, yup, you heard right, the same foot I bashed the toes up on I rolled. And now we're to the insult to injury part of all of this. Last night in the shower I slipped and rolled my ankle AGAIN! I was barely able to move it last night without it hurting to the point of tears, thankfully today it doesn't hurt so much.

That's enough for now, I'll update when I get back fro my doctor's appointment.

Have fun!


Inuit Dog said...

Grrr, I'm trying to LOSE weight! You suck! LOL! 7 pounds down in 5 weeks. :D