Monday, May 03, 2010

McNeil drug company - can we trust them?

I just emailed them as a concerned parent. Wouldn't you be too? I mean look at their track record...four months...four recalls...all for the same if not similar reasons. What would you do? Personally, I emailed them, and here's what I had to say.

As a parent I am concerned about all the recalls your company has had in the past 4 months. Can we, as parents, trust the products that your company makes any more? How can we safely try to break a fever, reduce allergies or even tend to a cough without the risk of either a too high a dose, or a contaminant in the medications? Again, as a parent I ask you this, how can I trust this company when this has happened four times in four months?

Feel free to send this message on to them, we need to get the point across to these drug manufacturers that we as parents give a shit about our children and are sick and tired of their bullshit and their continuous screw ups.

*steps off her soap box*