Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Let's break the rules

I'm not sure which is worse, the horror that is now our world or the blatant lies the news casters tell. And yes, they lie around here to placate people and keep them calm.

They do lie, they do it all the time, even our government lies to us. They say things are false or untrue, that is a lie, even a half truth is a lie. When a school shooting happened here a few days ago they lied about the gun and said it was a toy gun. BS, I talked to a few moms who's kids went to the school...the gun was real, bullets had been fired. You tell me, is it right for the news to lie to us? Or would you rather be just another sheep grazing on the BS they feed us and waiting for them to tell you when to go BAAH? Sorry, I'd rather be the one who strays from the herd and thinks for herself.

I'm not just talking about the news here, I'm talking about everything. Think about it. They tell you how to dress, what to eat, how much to eat, what to say, what to think, how to feel. Is that right to you? I refuse to follow the leader and be like everyone else. Why should be obey the rules? Seriously, do you want to be told what to do, what to wear, eat, say, when to sleep or when to say BAAHH? If you do then walk away from me right now because you won't like me when I stand up and start yelling that I have rights and that I'm free to speak my mind.

I think I'm done ranting for now. Feel free to add your two cents, come on, let's discuss this, don't be afraid, voice your opinion.


Jenn said...

Haven't you learned that people in society are really just sheeple?? I mean come on. "I don't want to think for my self, just tell me what to do." "I don't want my children to think for themselves, teach them what you think they should know" The list goes on...

Raven said...

So very true, I mean, come on, seriously, why can't they think for themselves? Are they really that afraid? Hmm, guess that makes us rebels.