Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Warning, below is a rant that will most likely piss off some people. It will most likely make some people think I am angry with them when in fact I am not. It will most likely cause some hate and discontent amongst some people who read this. I'm not worried, if you are not adult enough to handle what is said in this rant then yu may as well lock yourself up in a closet and never see the light of day again, because you're not adult enough to handle the world. Consider yourself warned.

< RANT >
To all of you who can not be bothered to answer a single phone call or even a simple text message. Don't worry, I got the hint. You're obviously not worth my time or the effort of even trying to be friends with you.

I've done all I can to be nice and be a friend to you. I was there for you when you needed someone to talk to. I was there for you when you were far from home and needed a friend. I was there for you late at night when you needed to chat. I can't be there for you anymore because you severed the line.

What ever I did wrong to upset you, I'm sorry. What ever I said that made you turn away from me, I'm sorry. Correction, I'm not sorry. Because honestly, if it was something I said then you could have spoken up about it. You knew that I was strong and spoke my mind about everything and anything. So, to you I say this, I truly hope you're happy now. I will not longer be in your life, nor will I ever call you or even text you again. I will remove your number, address and even your chat service SN's just so there isn't even the tiniest bit of temptation on my part to contact you in hopes that you would be a friend and not the complete waist of time you have shown yourself to be.

To those who call me back, who return text messages. Those who have been there for me as much as I have been there for them, if not more in some cases. Thank you. You're the ones who I call my friends, my family. We are there for each other, even if I say something that you don't like and vise versa. You know me as well as I know you, and you know that what I've written here tonight is the truth. You know that I don't hide my feelings, I don't sugar coat my words, and I don't take shit from anyone.

To those who have tried to reconnect with me, I admire you for trying. But if you really want to reconnect with me, call me. Return an email or something. Don't just sit there, do something to make the reconnection happen, otherwise...stop faking.

Is this world really the piece of crap it seems to be or is it just me? People seem to be getting nastier by the day. People aren't raising their children with respect. When I was a kid you either respected your elders and others around you or you got your ass handed to. Now-a-days they get little to no discipline.

Tell me something, is it really that difficult to fix a road that has sink holes? Stop filling it in and actually do something about it. There are five sink holes on my street alone and they're all along the water mane. Does this happen everywhere or is it just this idiotic city called Portsmouth? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I've ranted about this damned city a few times already. But, seriously people, fix the damned potholes!

And this one is for the economy...why the fuck does everything have to be so damned expensive?! Seriously, when I was a kid, hell, when I was twenty, the price of gas was 99 cents a gallon! The price of everything is so damned high it's no wonder more and more people are filing for bankruptcy. Between the housing market sucking, which means we can't sell our house without taking a huge cut which will leave us owing money instead of breaking even, and the cost of living's become insane.

Gabe! Stop yowling into the corner, we all know you can yowl loudly! And Karma, must you really egg him on by doing it too? I can't concentrate on my ranting! GAH!

Okay, I think that's it for now.

< /RANT >

Now, a show of hands of all those who are offended or pissed off by this rant. Come on, raise your hands, his rant was bound to piss someone off, was it you?


LBrowne said...

-giggle- Nah.. its cute.. your sexy when your angry.. -smirking, hides-

Jenn said...

really??? YOU think you can piss me off?? bah.. that wasnt even a good attempt! :P

Raven said...

Okay, you two, enough making me laugh when I'm pissed. ::laughs:: Love you both!