Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some people really amaze me with their inability to even say thank you. I mean, come on, how hard is it? Seriously!

I did some images for people, most of them said thank you and truly enjoyed them, then there are the people who couldn't even be bothered to say thank you. They didn't even say a damned word! If they didn't like them...say something!!! That way I can redo them.

Yes, they do take a lot of time to create, and no I'm NOT getting paid to do them. I did them for people to be NICE!

Maybe I should stop being nice.

And that brings me to another thing...

People scare me, they really do. If I had known the issues with S( That's what I'll call her) before I had allowed her to get close, I never would have let her get this close. She's threatened divorce more times that I care to count, stop threatening and just do it already, stop begging for attention with your actions! The person S is becoming is someone I DO NOT want to even be around. S has become snide, rude, mean...yet she says she's becoming who she wants to be...yeah, okay, not going to be around her anymore. S complains about her kid all the time, about how her kid does this and that, gets hurt and so on...then PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR KID!!! Get off the fucking computer and pay attention to him!! Yes, I sit at my computer some times, like now, but I ALWAYS pay attention to my Bug. I do my images and play around and look stuff up AFTER she goes to bed, unless I need a recipe for dinner.

I'm going away now before I really get pissed...time to go get dinner in the oven and finish some things around the house...