Why is it that when a day starts off good it has to get worse? I'm just wondering, does anyone else not understand this? This morning Bug was so happy and good. Strider had gotten up with her so I could get a little sleep. By five this evening she was having tantrums from hell. This has been going on for almost two weeks now, maybe more I've lost track.
I think she's getting frustrated with the fact that we've been trapped inside for the past several weeks. It's been way too damned hot to do anything, and by hot I mean in the 100's! So much for going to the beach, zoo or even hiking. I hope it cools off soon, then again, I really hope we get rain soon! The lawn is completely dried, dead, crunchy under the feet when you walk.
We need some cooler days and a lot of rain. In the past few years we've been seeing less and less rain here during the summer.
< /rant >
Sunday, July 25, 2010
One of those nights
Posted by Raven at 12:36 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Okay, so S is now saying that she's going to get rid of her dog. WTF? Seriously? That dog needs someone that can care for it and help it through the obvious mental instability it has. Because of how meek the dog is euthanasia may be the only option, I hate to say it. Personally the reason she gave about the boarding costs being too much because she travels too much is bullshit, take the dog with on the trips. If she claims to consider the dog "like a daughter" then she needs to treat it as such in my opinion. She claims to get a panic attack every time she even thinks about the shelter she had gotten the dog from. You can get mad at me for how I feel about this, I really don't care. It sickens me to see animals treated like their nothing more than objects or possessions.
She also told Echo that I don't talk to her anymore, you know what? I don't give a fuck. Seriously, the last few conversations I've had with her are all about her. You try to say anything about you or something other than her and her response is "oh". Ignorant fucking bitch, no wonder why people want nothing to do with you. As for the whole me not talking to her, she said she would call me and never did. When someone says they will call me I wait to see if they actually will. Not my fault if they don't. Plus I'm usually invisible on AIM or not even online because I'm busy going out and stuff with Bug during the week then doing the family thing on the weekends.
Sometimes I really hate the fact that we had to move down here to VA. I had friends up in NJ and in MD, here all I have is aggravation and idiots. I refuse to hang out with S for the simple fact that she's nuts and it's always all about her. Sorry, I refuse to cater to that.
We were supposed to get together with Mas but she never got back to me. So much for that, huh? And what about K you ask? Well, she bailed on me a while ago. T and R are too busy with work and such, not to mention that their boys are unruly as hell.
Widow...well, she's always busy with something or other so we haven't been able to get together yet.
Most of the mom's I've met since we've been here have all become completely self centered assholes.
Guess they just can't handle a woman who speaks her mind and doesn't take shit from anyone, not even them. Sure, I probably upset them when I call them on their own bullshit, but oh well, that's their problem, not mine.
The ones I get a long with don't live around here, total suckage. I mean, Mouse lives up in NJ, same with MJ. Kat lives up in Northern VA, Shadus lives out in CA, and Kuroshi lives out in....I forget where he lives, and Kayla is getting ready to move to Michigan. But the point is that I can't depend on anyone here to hang out with, no one that I can let my Bug be around, which is horrible. We used to go out places with people and then it all just stopped. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it? It's fine though, if they'd rather not be around me for their own stupid reason, then so be it. I'm done with the idiots who think it's all about them and that I should bow to their whims. Not going to happen. If you can't deal with the way I am, don't even bother talking to me.
As for all those clones out there...get a fucking life. You try to be me for a time, then you latch on to someone else and change who you are each time you meet someone new and fascinating to you. I feel bad for people like that, I really do. How c an you go through life now knowing who you are? Does it really make you feel good about yourself to emulate others? Don;'t you have an original thought in your head? Pathetic.
Am I bitch? Yes I am, and I really don't care what people think. This is me, people, take it or leave it. Weak people can't handle the way I am, the strong ones love it and appreciate my bluntness.
Now I'm sitting here thinking that maybe the next place we live will be better. We'll see what happens.
I just came to the realization that I very well may have to have a the anatomy talk with Bug. She went into the bathroom that Strider was in and asked him "Why are you rubbing your but button?" I really don't want to know what she saw him doing, but damn.
< /rant >
Posted by Raven at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Odds and ends...
Is it just me or has everyone and their brother started a cooking blog? Seriously. Maybe I should start one. Think I'd scare people? Hmm, I just might with the way I tend to tell it like it is. What would I even call it?
Before I forget! The other day I was out and about doing some running around. On the way to drop off my mom we nearly got side swiped by a white van, not just any white van but a PETA van! That just goes to prove that they are just as irresponsible behind the wheel of a vehicle as they are with animals. Let's not even get me started on PETA, you really don't want to go there with me. Of course, of you do, let me know and I'll gladly take you there.
And that brings me to cars. My Sante Fe started making this noise that sounded like a demonic cricket was under the hood, I shit you not. It was a loud chirping sound. So I took it in to Q and had him look at it. At first he thought it was the idler pulley, but after his specialist guy look and listen he found that it was in fact the power steering pump...oh...yay...another 400+$. He ordered the part, but they sent the wrong one, so now I get to wait another few days before I can get it fixed. I'll be dropping my car off on Friday, not sure if I'll get it back on Friday or Saturday, guess we'll find out. I also had Q price a few other things for me just in case, like the water pump (500$) and the fuel pump (479$). Considering my car has about 108k miles on it so far, I figured it would be better to be safe than sorry as far as knowing the cost of things that could go wrong.
< /rant >
Posted by Raven at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Kitchen witch...so what?
I'm a kitchen witch, also called a hearth witch, so what? You don't like it then go away.
I have nothing against Christians or Catholics, I have issues with people who are closed minded. They see my pentacle and instantly think I'm evil or that I sacrifice animals. Wow, talk about idiotic. I do not sacrifice animals, and I'm not evil. I just practice one of the oldest of magics there is. Hearth magic. I cook, create things in my kitchen with love. Nothing wrong with that. I've made the occasional potion for banishing nasty things like ill feelings or bad presences. I've made poppets and trinkets for people to keep them safe and help them in certain areas of their lives that they needed help in.
The Kitchen Witch's crede is pretty simple really.
In this pot, I stir to the sun
An' follow the rule of harming none.
Banishment of bane when goin' winddershins;
An' with water and salt negativity is cleansed.
Household duties are more than chores,
Magic abounds when mopping floors.
With this broom, I do sweep
To clean my house and safely keep.
Marigold, Basil, Thyme and Yarrow
My spell is cast for a better tomorrow.
Lemons for joy and apples for health,
The power within brings great wealth.
And, in this kitchen I do pray
To truly walk the Witches Way.
See, nothing evil there.
So, why all the hate?
< /rant >
Posted by Raven at 4:42 PM 0 comments