Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Kitchen what?

I'm a kitchen witch, also called a hearth witch, so what? You don't like it then go away.

I have nothing against Christians or Catholics, I have issues with people who are closed minded. They see my pentacle and instantly think I'm evil or that I sacrifice animals. Wow, talk about idiotic. I do not sacrifice animals, and I'm not evil. I just practice one of the oldest of magics there is. Hearth magic. I cook, create things in my kitchen with love. Nothing wrong with that. I've made the occasional potion for banishing nasty things like ill feelings or bad presences. I've made poppets and trinkets for people to keep them safe and help them in certain areas of their lives that they needed help in.

The Kitchen Witch's crede is pretty simple really.

In this pot, I stir to the sun
An' follow the rule of harming none.

Banishment of bane when goin' winddershins;
An' with water and salt negativity is cleansed.

Household duties are more than chores,
Magic abounds when mopping floors.

With this broom, I do sweep
To clean my house and safely keep.

Marigold, Basil, Thyme and Yarrow
My spell is cast for a better tomorrow.

Lemons for joy and apples for health,
The power within brings great wealth.

And, in this kitchen I do pray
To truly walk the Witches Way.

See, nothing evil there.

So, why all the hate?

< /rant >