Sunday, July 25, 2010

One of those nights

Why is it that when a day starts off good it has to get worse? I'm just wondering, does anyone else not understand this? This morning Bug was so happy and good. Strider had gotten up with her so I could get a little sleep. By five this evening she was having tantrums from hell. This has been going on for almost two weeks now, maybe more I've lost track.

I think she's getting frustrated with the fact that we've been trapped inside for the past several weeks. It's been way too damned hot to do anything, and by hot I mean in the 100's! So much for going to the beach, zoo or even hiking. I hope it cools off soon, then again, I really hope we get rain soon! The lawn is completely dried, dead, crunchy under the feet when you walk.

We need some cooler days and a lot of rain. In the past few years we've been seeing less and less rain here during the summer.

< /rant >


Kayla Harper said...

i hope things get better for ya soon, hun! if ya ever need to rant, i'm here...u listen to me often enough! LOL! *huggles*