Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Odds and ends...

Is it just me or has everyone and their brother started a cooking blog? Seriously. Maybe I should start one. Think I'd scare people? Hmm, I just might with the way I tend to tell it like it is. What would I even call it?

Before I forget! The other day I was out and about doing some running around. On the way to drop off my mom we nearly got side swiped by a white van, not just any white van but a PETA van! That just goes to prove that they are just as irresponsible behind the wheel of a vehicle as they are with animals. Let's not even get me started on PETA, you really don't want to go there with me. Of course, of you do, let me know and I'll gladly take you there.

And that brings me to cars. My Sante Fe started making this noise that sounded like a demonic cricket was under the hood, I shit you not. It was a loud chirping sound. So I took it in to Q and had him look at it. At first he thought it was the idler pulley, but after his specialist guy look and listen he found that it was in fact the power steering pump...oh...yay...another 400+$. He ordered the part, but they sent the wrong one, so now I get to wait another few days before I can get it fixed. I'll be dropping my car off on Friday, not sure if I'll get it back on Friday or Saturday, guess we'll find out. I also had Q price a few other things for me just in case, like the water pump (500$) and the fuel pump (479$). Considering my car has about 108k miles on it so far, I figured it would be better to be safe than sorry as far as knowing the cost of things that could go wrong.

< /rant >