Friday, April 08, 2011

Headed in the wrong direction...

If they don't come to a resolution by midnight tonight then we get no pay. That's right, you heard me, no pay! If they get a resolution we get half. HALF?!?!? Oh, and did you hear that during all of this they're also suspending death benefits for those killed in action? They said that it will be suspended or, and here's the best part *insert sarcasm here* some may not get any benefits!

What's going to happen to those who have mortgages, rent, bills?

Welfare? Nope, not being cut. Why not? Think about it. They're still getting paid but those who defend this country will have to go without pay? Does that sound right? Those who live off the system won't have to go through this, of course not, yet out lovely government will take away the pay of our military. What kind of message is this sending?

You know what they're saying is a big hold up? Here, look at this.

"Republicans want to change the way that the government hands out money to programs like Planned Parenthood, which provide abortions as well as other health services.

These organizations are barred from using federal funds to pay for abortions. But conservatives say that government funds free up money that can then be used for abortions."

Okay....what about the fact that these clinics also do mammograms as well as early cancer screenings? Oh, wait, they're pro-lifers so anything that has to do with abortions will make them not want to help anymore. I swear, they need the shit slapped out of them. These folks who want to tell women what to do with their bodies need to back the frakk off. These clinics are important. Okay, sure, remove the option of abortions as birth control, by all means, please do! but DO NOT remove the ability to have one in case of medical emergencies or rape!

If this is what's holding them back from making a decision about the budget and if that's what's making it so we're not getting paid then they need to get their frakking shit together!

Seriously, what government in their right mind would stop paying their military? OURS!

I've got this bad feeling that we're headed to another civil war if this keeps up.

< /rant >