Sunday, April 24, 2011

In Basts Arms

After 19 plus years of loyalty, love, adoration and companionship, my sweet familiar Karma passed away on Friday at around 445pm. It broke my heart, it felt like a knife was being stabbed into my heart, yet I knew it was for the best.

Three weeks ago she had a seizure as well as a possible aneurysm. The aneurysm had burst in her eye leaving a spot of blood in her beautiful mustard gold eye. Her pupils had become fixed, one open and one constricted. She was doing well even after that, she was still eating and drinking, then suddenly on Wednesday she stopped. By Friday I knew it was time so I let her walk in the grass one last time and my daughter picked flowers for her which she got to smell.

I called a cremation place and they will be tending to her remains. She'll be cremated with respect and the flowers Bug had picked for her.

Bast has her in her loving arms now, and I trust that Bast will love her as much as I do. Here's a prayer for the sick and dyeing, it's a prayer for Bast.

Great Lady of the Cats,
I call upon your sleek for to aid me.
Your child is ill here in my arms.
Come to us and bathe your child
with your tongue and heal her wounds.

Heal her nose and mouth
so she may breathe and taste.
Heal her teeth and claws
so she may hunt and eat.
Heal her eyes and ears
so she may know the world.

Heal all those things that let her digest,
so she can grow healthy.
Heal her heart, lungs and legs
so that she may travel on.

Heal her skin and fur
so she may show beauty.
Heal her bones and joints
so she can play again.
Heal her tongue
so she can heal her sisters.

If her mortal body
cannot be healed, then I pray to you
Great Lady of the Cats,
Sacred Bast,
Bring her into your arms and give her peace.

Em hotep, Karma. I will always love you.


LBrowne said...

While your up there say hi to my two loved ones I lost, Shadow and B.J. Em hotep, Karma.