Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Second chances don't exist

Can you believe that there are actually people out there that feel that Obama deserves a second chance? They think that he didn't do anything wrong, that he didn't make our economy worse.

My opinion is that he screwed this country up more then anyone in the past. Look at what he was trying to do if the budget failed...he was going to take away the pay of the military. Yet those on welfare would still get paid. What kind of message does that send about our country? He has already reduced the military's annual pay increase from 3.5% down to 1.5%, he has also reduced BAH. He'd reduced Social Security, increased the federal taxes on Pensions, IRA's and military pay...shall I go on? And now he wants to get rid of the tax deduction we currently have for our mortgage interest.

I seriously believe that we need to get rid of everyone, and I mean everyone, that is currently holding a position in out government and get new ones in there who will actually work for US, not THEMSELVES. Do you think that congress or the president will ever take a pay cut to help out our financial crisis? Nope, not even a little bit. Yet look at Japan, after everything that happened, the companies decided not to take their tax breaks so they could help the country rebuild. This country could learn a thing or two from the Japanese.

How can people still think he's doing good for us? He said during his campaign that he was going to "change" things..well, he did. He changed them for the worse. In his rush to put the stimulus into affect he royally screwed up the economy. If they had said no like Boehner said to we wouldn't be in this mess, but instead Obama rushed to pass it.

*sighs* Do you see the problem with him now? I hope so, I really do. The only reason why they came to a decision at the eleventh hour is because elections are coming up soon and they wanted to look good for re-election. Sorry, not gonna happen, we need someone else in that office, someone who will actually help us instead of hurt us.

*steps off her soap box....for now*
< /rant >