Thursday, July 07, 2011

Time for an all out rant

Let's list things in the order of the annoyance factor, shall we?

1- Stop pushing your religion down my throat.  I choked down the Jesus pills once, I regurgitated it, and your God gives me hives, so stop it. Do I want to hang out with you and your kids? Yes, but not at the price of having you try to force feed me the pre-chewed ramblings of drunk insane men who deiced to write a book called the Bible.

2- If everything upsets you, then I suggest you grow thicker skin. If people upset you then I sugjest you grow a set of balls and stand up for yourself.  If you want him to yourself then DO IT! Stop saying one thing and doing another then getting all bitchy when someone else shows interest. I'm sick of hearing about all the bad shit in your life. If you think you should have killed yourself years ago, then let me hand you the blade, go right ahead.  You know why I say that? Simply put, if you're saying it then you want the attention. Take it from someone who's tried to commit suicide, if you really want to do it you won't talk about it, you'll just do it.

3- You're five years old, bug, stop fighting me at every turn. I swear, my hand is going to meet your ass and it's not going to be a happy reunion, I can guarantee that.

4- All you stupid ass mother frakking idiots who claim to be my friends, you know who you are.  Every time I see you bitch about something bad happening in your life I laugh, seriously.  How many times have I voted for your kids, pets what ever? Hmm? Every time you've asked I've voted, yet you couldn't be bothered to reciprocate? Frakk you, seriously, I'm done with all of you.  Remove yourself from my friends list, save yourself the humiliation when I call you out.

5- So you think I can afford to run all over the place? Yeah right! What kind of crack are you smoking? They don't pay us enough to the bullshit Strider has to put up with, yet these asshole welfare mother-frakkers get more money? Excuse me? We need a president in office who will take care of the shit storm that's been unleashed on our country. Leave the damned retirees alone, they worked their asses off all their lives for their pensions and SS, yet you take it from them? I frakking hate you! You increase federal taxes onb the military and cut out BAH? I hate you more! You give more money to the assholes who are on welfare and popping out more kids and spending their money on low profile tires and drugs? I FRAKKING WANT YOU DEAD!

6- Family...bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch...that's all I ever hear.  Please stop, try having a normal conversation sometimes, you may like it.  As for my brother...he's an asshole who's dead to me until he gets his shit together and learns how to treat family.

That's all for now, thank you for listening...well, reading at any rate.

::steps off her ranting box::
< /RANT >