Thursday, October 27, 2011


I hate, hate, hate , hate Facebook games!  You wanna know why?  I'll tell you why.  Cause Strider plays them to the point of obsession!  Seriously, he sits there and just stares at them ignoring everything else around him.  This morning he was playing them too then he rushes around to get shaved and ready for work. Then there's the frakking iPod, he's always either reading or playing a damned game on it, even when Bug's trying to get his attention.  When she asks him to play outside with her you know what he does?  he sits int he damned dining room by the winder playing a frakking game on his iPod while she plays outside! WTF?! Seriously, it's as though he doesn't want to be a daddy or something.  It's pissing me off and upsetting Bug which is pissing me off even more.

At night he stays up until midnight, yet he'll act like he wants to have sex, well, I'm sorry, by the time he's finally ready for bed I'm too damned tired.  Not to mention the damned belly, seriously, it's a turn off for me.  I know that sounds horrible, I know I should want him no matter what he looks like but it looks sloppy.  He promised me he would work out and take care of himself, he doesn't.  When he gets home all he does is sit on his ass and play frakking games.  Meanwhile I'm always on the go save for an hour in the morning, well, sorry, two hours, one hour for breakfast and relaxing then another hour for yoga. After that I get going with my day of cleaning, baking and cooking.  I'm not asking for a perfectly toned body from him, just get rid of the belly and tone it up a bit, and go to the doctors for his feet and his other issues.

I try to make sure he eats healthy, but he tends to over do it, as in eats more then he should, he refuses to listen to me as far as portioning. The laziness and tendency to eat too much tells me that he doesn't want to lose the weight, he doesn't want to lose the belly. Just because we're married doesn't mean he has to stop taking care of himself. He doesn't shower at home, which annoys the crap out of me, he's lazy, doesn't finish what he starts, (EX: the flooring, the fence, the back door that still has a bottom piece that needs to be trimmed off.) and it annoys the holy living hell out of me.

Another thing that annoys me about him is that he gets all pissy with Bug and especially the dog.  All Logan wants is attention, to lick his hand and be near him, yet all Strider does is shove the dog away and yell at him. What the hell is his problem?


< /RANT >