Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yet another annoying segment in my life

People who do nothing but complain and expect some to always listen to them yet refuse to listen when someone else needs to talk or vent annoy the ever living hell out of me. Seriously, get a fucking grip, put on your big girl panties and deal with it! You got issues that bad then go find a therapist, seriously, cause I'm done trying to even help you. Don't call me to bitch about your life or your problems cause I really don't give a fuck.

Seriously, differentiate your real life from the relationships you formed in the game.  Just because we're in the same alliance doesn't mean we're close friends, acquaintances yes, close friends no.  I really don't give a damn about your personal issues, or that you can't get past having to have a womanly exam.  If it's messing you up that badly emotionally and psychologically, GET HELP! Talk to a therapist or something.

If the guy you're living with is talking to other chicks, get a grip! You're not dating him, hell, you don't date anyone, you say you're asexual, that you no desire what so ever for it or any kind of relationship, then stop your bitching when he shows interest in someone else.

Why are people such complete idiots?  Don't they get the hint when you tell them you can't handle their crap at the moment cause you have your own shit going on? Maybe I'm phrasing it incorrectly, perhaps I should flat out say "Go the fuck away, stop talking to me, you psychotic little bitch", maybe then they'd get the hint. What do you think?

Maybe I'm just too damned grumpy for my own good lately, but people in general have been getting under my skin like a bad rash. It's kinda like a nightmare that I can't seem to wake up from where all the annoying people in the world start stalking me, harassing me and continuously chattering.

Then you have the idiots who just should not be be allowed to breed let alone breathe. There's this woman that my mom introduced me to, Alana, well, she's a complete douche bag. I'm serious, she was all nicey nicey the day I met her then suddenly she showed her true colors. She never called, refuses to even make eye contact, when my mom asks her to tell me about something she can't even look at me. Even her husband's afraid to look at me. Is my beast showing or something?  Are my eyes really that scarey? Or are they just complete assholes? I'm leaning toward the asshole angle. 

I know that I'm growly and aggressive, but do I really deserve to be treated that way? No one does.  Then she went ahead and had the gall to ask my mom how SHE got Angie's reading up to a 2nd -3rd grade lvl. I'm sorry, but my mom had no part in that, that was all ME! I'm the one that taught Bug all she knows and still hungers for. If Alana can't be bothered to work with her girls then I seriously feel sorry for them.  Maybe she hates me because I home-schooled Bug for so long. She actually said she didn't have time for it.  She stays home all day and does nothing, how the hell does she not have the time?!


< /RANT >