Friday, October 28, 2011

Lack of PTA and soy milk

I feel as though I'm dealing with a band of idiots. I've been asking from September 6th about the PTA at Bug's school.  First I get told that they're "reorganizing", now no one knows, so then I track down the PTA FB and ask if and when there's going to be a PTA, I made sure to state that it's not up to the school but rather the parents, which it is. They post was deleted, can you believe that? They actually deleted my post then posted "James Hurst PTA is looking for a new executive board ASAP. Any one interested please contact me or the school.". So what do I do?  I respond with "Several parents including myself have already made it known to the school about wanting information on the PTA. I asked yet again today and the answer I got was a shrug from one of the ladies in the office. I had also posed the question here only to have it deleted." So far there's been no answer, am I surprised? Nope, not even a little bit.

From what I've read there hasn't been an active PTA at the school since 2009...seriously?  The parents really don't give a damn? Where do they think the money for new books, computers and other supplies come from? 

On top of that I'm still fighting to get the soy milk for Bug because of her dietary need.  The school keeps dragging it's feet which is pissing me off as well as pissing off her teacher and the school nurse.  Nine weeks into the school year and still nothing is being done.  What's wrong with people?  ::sighs::

< /RANT >