Saturday, January 28, 2012

Politics...sad really

So, Newt Gingrich is running to "save the Western Civilization from Pagan culture"...look at your history people, paganism was here long before Jesus died on a cross....and the rep from Tennessee, John Ragan, says "it's virtually impossible to get AIDS from heterosexual sex"...and people would entrust our country to these kinds of people? Really?

I haven't seen any politicians I would trust. I'm still not sure about Romney, kind of on the fence about him, and Obama needs to get the fuck out.

I could have sworn that we the people had the right to remove politicians from office who were not doing their jobs. We need to scrap the whole bunch of them from the mayors all the way up to the president and start from scratch.  Lower their pay scales, remove their pensions unless they serve for 20+ years and take away the free college education for all their kids.  Stop giving to the welfare folks who refuse to get a job after a certain amount of time, stop sending our jobs to other countries and stop funding other countries.  As for illegal immigrants....get rid of them too, their a burden on our country.  Yes, I know that most of us are from immigrants that came to this country, but they did so legally.

The government type folk keep taking money from our military and education, why not take it from their own pockets? They make way more then they need to, personally I think they need to get paid what a lower middle class worker makes and see how difficult it is to make ends meet.  The price of groceries just keeps going up, the price of gas keeps rising...will we ever see the light of day again financially? I'm starting to doubt it. 

We're in the middle of a repression right now, it seems like we're steam rolling right toward a depression.  Sadly, though, there's not much that the average person like you or I can do about it, except keep voting the fat cats out and try to get better ones in.

< /RANT >