< /RANT >
Friday, October 30, 2015
And the hits just keep on coming...
< /RANT >
Posted by Raven at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 09, 2015
Quit bitching
Posted by Raven at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 02, 2015
Portsmouth VA Public School System
Over the past few months I've spoken to many teachers. Some still teach in this district, others taught here many years ago and have either moved to different cities or to different states all together. They all say the same thing, their hands are tied, the budget cuts have caused so much harm to the schools, the teachers, and the students.
Teachers today have to supply the classroom items out of their own pockets because of the budget cuts. Yet I've seen principals redecorate the main offices, get new wardrobes, and the kids still have old text books that have been written in, torn pages, highlighted text, or missing information because of how out of date they are.
I've seen some children get passed onto the next grade even after they've failed the grade they were in, they didn't fail because they couldn't do the work, they failed because the teacher failed to help them in a way that they needed. I've also seen children run away from the school and the school do nothing except ask the parents who are there to pick up their own children if they'd seen so and so. The school didn't lock down, they didn't call the police, not sure if they contacted the parents of not. How do I know? Because I was there for two of the incidents. How can we feel that our children are safe in the school when things like this happen? This is what happens when the school system stops caring or the principal doesn't care about the kids anymore. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good principals in the district, from what I've been told. I've dealt with a principal that's less than desirable.
After speaking to these teachers, several of them have used the same word to describe the school system here in Portsmouth...Corrupt. They've all mentioned the new Superintendent, they've asked what he's doing to help the school systems, they mention that he promised to fix the school systems from the top down...where is that change? Will anyone give us an answer as to what's happening to the money the school board says they have? When will the teachers get what they need so they can teach the kids better? When will we get an answer about the corruption? How deep does it go?
These teachers have worked their asses off to help our kids, some of them have even lost their jobs when they spoke out or tried to go above and beyond their job description.
As a mom I urge anyone that has or had a child in the school system here, is a teacher, student past or present, to speak up. The only way there's going to be any changes if we stand up and make some noise. Send letters, emails, phone calls, to the board of education, to the superintendent, members of the school board. We have someone in our corner who's willing to speak for us, but we need to be willing to speak to him, tell him what's going on in the schools. I'm certain that he will keep things confidential and anonymous, especially if you're a teacher who's currently employed in the school system anywhere in Portsmouth or have moved on to another district and fear for your career. If your child has been subjected to bullying, poor teaching, racism, or lack of adequate education, please contact the school board, or contact me and I'll pass your information along to the right person who can help.
I've pulled my child out of the school system because of the abuse, racism, abuse, assaults and bullying by students and staff, that she had endured in that school since kindergarten. Several other parents have done the same thing and pulled their children out of public school and started homeschooling.
I've spoken up....are you willing to?
Posted by Raven at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Open your eyes
This country is so beyond screwed up. We people as a whole can't even see what's really important...we're blinded by the media sensations...
So many things that are from our past have been twisted by the people of today. Swastika for one, it was originally a symbol of "good furtune" and "well being" turned into a symbol of death and hate by the Natzi's.
The confederate Battle Flag, it was just a battle flag, and now people see it as a symbol of racism and hate. Here's something I found on Snopes, a place people go to debunk information or to prove it's validity.
"The Confederate Battle Flag today finds itself in the center of much controversy and hoopla going on in several states. The cry to take this flag down is unjustified. It is very important to keep in mind that the Confederate Battle Flag was simply just that. A battle flag. It was never even a National flag, so how could it have flown over a slave nation or represented slavery or racism? This myth is continued by lack of education and ignorance. Those that vilify the Confederate Battle Flag are very confused about history and have jumped upon a bandwagon with loose wheels."
While a lot of people have suffered injustices throughout the ages, today's children and most adults have not experiences anything like it. I could go on ana don about how all people of German decent were crual monsters that put my ansectors into interment camps, starved and killed them. How the Polish, Jewish, anyone not of the Arian race where exterminated in the madness of Hitler's genocidal madness.
Or I could go on and on about how all the other races in this world killed, enslaved, raped and stole from the Native Americans. How they were forced to live on sections of land "granted" to them by the United States, by the very people that stole the lands from them to begin with.
Black, white, Asian, Hindi, or what ever color, race, of ethnicity is...GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF! The shit that's going on in this world has NOTHING to do with race, it has to do with ignorant people doing stupid shit and not wanting to take responsibility for their own actions.
You know the realy important things that have happened in this country lately? I'll give you a hint...it has nothing to do with the Confederate Battle Flag, it has nothing to do with the Supreme Court's ruling that same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, it's not racism... It's the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement that Obama passed. It's the ongoing battle against ISIS and terrorists here in the US, it's the drought, wildfires, disease...it's our country and we let the things that create an emotional response distract us from what we should really be looking at, really be concerned about.
< /RANT >
Posted by Raven at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 08, 2015
Personal Boundaries and Why We Need Them
Why you should never force your children to hug people.
This is very important. The article above touches a sensitive subject. Boundaries are very important in our lives.
I've seen parents force their children to give people hugs, and it's not right, it teaches the children that they have no say over what happens to them. This is why I DON'T force Bug to hug anyone, it's her choice, and if she says no then it's no.
This also goes for when people touch or try to poke kids when kids doesn't want to be touched, when the kid says stop they have to. Bug has told people to stop many times when they try to touch or poke her playfully and she's not in the mood to play. She's developing healthy boundaries, which is very good. There are some people that don't recognize or even accept those boundaries, and that's bad. We need to teach our kids when touching, hugging, poking, or even holding hands is acceptable, we have to teach them that their boundaries are okay and that THEY have the right to say NO to someone. We as parents then have to reinforce the no if the person doesn't stop what ever action our kids don't like. We as parents need to let the other people, including family, know that we want our kids to have those boundaries, that we want them to be able to tell someone no when they're feeling uncomfortable.
When we're out somewhere and we meet up with a friend I make sure that I tell Bug that it's okay for her to hug the person if she wants to. If she doesn't want to hug them then she doesn't have to.
There are so many people in this world that will violate the boundaries of children as well as adults, and we need to make sure that our children can protect themselves. Not everyone will listen to the word no, and that's when things get bad.
Fran Walfish, PhD, said in an article that teaching our children boundaries is healthy and good to do. Here's her advice on how to help our children to build those boundaries.
Being able to set your personal boundaries is a skill that, unfortunately, not all of us get the chance to learn. Experiences that we have can help us to pick up tid bits here and there on how to set our boundaries, but not always enough to help us to keep those boundaries.
Below are some tips from Dr Dana Gionta from an article I had read from Psych Central.
Posted by Raven at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 06, 2015
ER's & doctors galore
It's been so long since I wrote anything here, it's been so busy and hectic that I guess I forgot that this was even here. I know, horrible of me to forget that the one place I can vent and let my feelings be known. I'll try to do better next time.
Posted by Raven at 2:07 PM 0 comments