Thursday, August 31, 2006

Another day in the life...

Today wasn't too bad with Bug. Even though she didn't sleep through the night she was generally happy and playing all day. She had two naps that were only a maximum of 30 minutes each and a third nap that was about an hour and a half.

When it came time to get her ready for bed she faught it tooth and claw. She had an entire bottle, and still wasn't ready to fall asleep. I tried letting her put herself to sleep, but that didn't work. I ended up having to give her her nuk and rock her to sleep. Not that I mind doing that, it just means that I get a little more cuddle time with the Bug.

After I got her to sleep around midnight I was able to gather up the trash and get it out into the can for collection in the morning. I just have to try to remember to tell Strider to take it to the curb when he gets up for work. He sometimes forgets to take the can out front on Thursday mornings, but he's gotten alot better about that lately.

Sometimes I wonder about our dog, he used to be such a well behaved and well trained dog. Until he got older, then he got all the bad habbits of our elder dog, which we had to put to sleep a few months ago.

Anyway, he attacks the door when he wants to come in, he's always on the bed, never sits down when you tell him to....and he's always in my face.

I've tried just about everything to get him to listen to me, I've tried possitive reenforcement training, treat training even clicker training...nothing's worked.

It started to get even worse with him after he had a grand maul siezure, maybe it fried his brain. He only had the one seizure so the vet said there wasn't anything that could be done for him except to wait to see if he has any more.

Don't get me wrong, he great with Bug, he's very protective over her and loves her to no end. I just wish he'd listen to me.

Well, now that everything's said and done it's time for me to try to get some sleep. I hope Bug sleeps through the night tonight so I can get a good amount of sleep and be rested for the mornings adventures with her.