Saturday, August 26, 2006

New words...

Last night just before the normal bedtime ritual with Bug, she sat in front of the gate that blocks off the hall, she kept looking at me and saying what sounded like "Mama makes it". What she was really saying I have no clue, I tried to coax her to say it again and she did, but still it sounded the same "Mama makes it". Sometimes I wish there was a dictionary for baby speak.

She slept through the night, mostly, she woke up at 6:30am. I tried the usual to get her back to sleep, which is bringing her into Strider and I's bed...didn't work. Instead she laid there with her hand on his shoulder, she patted the bed and plainly said "Bed". It went something like this...

Bug: *patting the bed* Bed.
Me: Yes, lovey, bed.
Bug: *patting Striders shoulder* Bed.
Me: No, lovey, that's daddy.

Okay, so maybe for most that's not funny, but for me it is, she kept calling him and the bed Bed.

Anyway, I succeeded in getting her back to sleep after giving her something to eat.

This morning I was hoping to get a little extra sleep, since Strider is home on the weekends...but, no such luck. She still won't eat for him, which is really getting annoying. I mean, after over ten months you'd think that Bug would eat for her daddy. I don't know what to do, other then keep chugging along and getting up with her when she needs me.

Speaking of needing me, she's crying and Strider can't get her calmed down, yet again, so I'm off to sooth my lovey Bug.


Inuit Dog said...

It sounds like you've got your hands full! I love it that my two kids are getting into those years where they can talk clearly and pick up after themselves. Now if only I could teach Kenney to put the seat down on the toilet when he's done!!

Inuit Dog said...

Oh, by the way, this is Jessie. I haven't used this username on Blogger in such a looong time! God only knows what I have for entries and settings... I think I'd better check those out now and adjust them as needed...

Raven said...

I kind of figured it was you. lol

By the way, I can't see your blog, you might want to add me so I can view it.

Inuit Dog said...

Actually, I'm not even sure I have any entries on my blog on here. I rarely ever use this one. I've been using Livejournal for more than three years now!