Thursday, September 21, 2006

Of dirt and weeds...and yucky tummies...

I started to do the gardening today, I picked up a bunch of bulbs that get planted in the fall. Picked up a 40 count of tulips and a 40 count of Daffodils. I did the big area of the front garden, dug it all up with a pitch fork to turn the earth and loosen the weeds and other plants that were growing in there. So far it looks good, now I have to get the other side of the garden box turned and weeded.

I tried to get it done while Bug was napping today, but she only took a 20-30 minute nap. She's not feeling so good today, she has diarrhea, the poor kid. No fever though and she's been eating somewhat and drinking so I'm not too worried about her getting dehydrated. It doesn't seem like a virus or anything like that, more like maybe what she had for dinner last night didn't agree with her digestive tract. She's been pretty active today, about half her normal activity level actually. But that could be due to her not sleeping very well last night. She woke up at around 3:30 this morning and fell back to sleep around 5, then she was up again around 7:30 and back down by 8 and back up again at 9. Poor kid is going through so much right now. When I was playing with her she laid on her back and started laughing, when she opened her mouth real wide I saw the teeth that are coming in. It looks like her upper and lower right pre-molars, which seems odd to me considering her canines haven't come in yet.

Even though Bug's a little under the weather today we had fun. I took her outside with me while I was doing the turning in the garden. She sat happily in her stroller and talked to me while I worked, it was like she was supervising the work as I did it.

Earlier today when I was trying to change the cover on the couch Bug thought it would be fun to try to climb the cushion. I couldn't help but laugh, she had the biggest grin on her face while she was climbing Mt Couch. It's so good to see her playing and having fun. I can't get enough of her smile or her laugh.

I called Strider and asked him to pick up some Pedialyte on his way home, that way we can make sure that she doesn't get dehydrated. If she still has the diarrhea tomorrow I'll call her doctor and try to get her in for an appointment.