Friday, September 01, 2006

T.S. Ernesto

Well, the storm started in on us around 5am or so I think. By 6am the power went down for a little bit, but came back on after a few minutes. I had trouble sleeping because of the sound of the rain and wind.

After I got Angie up this morning and gave her breakfast I decided to go outside and see what was hitting the side of the house. A piece of the siding was pulled halfway down by the high winds. I called a guy about fixing it, he'll be here sometime this weekend of Monday, he said it would be about $50 to fix it providing it doesn't take more then an hour.

Braving the storm I had to go to the store, we needed formula, milk, bread and eggs. The formula for Bug being the most important. It was when I was getting ready to leave that I noticed a leak in the hall bathroom. The water is dripping in from the exhaust vent. I'm hoping it's not a leak in our roof. I'll ask the guy to take a look up in the attic when he comes over to do the siding repair.

Amazingly enough the store was empty. Considering there's a T.S. and it's payday I was rather happy to see it so empty. I got what we needed and high tailed it out of there. By the time I got home I was soaked to the skin from just going out in the rain for about three minutes total.

T.S. Ernesto seems to have subsided, it's just breezey outside now, so we have the windows open to air out the house. Providing it stays calm like this throughout the rest of the day I'll make another run out to the store to get the rest pf what we need for groceries and such. I also want to stop by BJ's and pick up Brother Bear 2 for Bug.

Speaking of Bug, she's been in such a happy mood today, she took a good nap and was all smiley and ready to play when she woke up. Now it's time for lunch.