Friday, September 15, 2006


I'm just so tired right now, but sleep is not on the agenda for about another hour or so.

It all started at around 215am this morning, Remy had another seizure, just like the first one four months ago it was a grand maul. After it was over and he was back to his normal goofy self I stayed up for a little bit just to make sure he'd be okay.

Strider snored most of the way through the night and Bug woke up crying several times. I was so tired by the time 10am rolled around that I didn't want to get out of bed, but I had to. I had to get Bug up and fed.

The morning was went rather well, until I talked to my mother in law. Can I just say that I'm not going to be talking to her for a very long time?

Anyway, after Bug had a good 1 hour 45 min nap I fed her lunch then we went shopping for the groceries. After that was done we got home and I tried to get her down for a 2nd nap, but that didn't happen.

Strider has duty tomorrow so I don't get sleep in, talk about major suckage. Tomorrow's going to be a very busy day for me and Bug. I have to steam clean the master bedroom carpet because when Remy had the seizure he peed on the carpet. I also have to finish the grocery shopping tomorrow and try to get the spray on sealant so I can finish at least one more dining room chair. That reminds me, I also need to do the dishes.

Have I mentioned yet that I'm tired?

Ah well, it's time to give Bug her bath then it's off to bed for all of us. Hopefully she'll sleep through the night so I can get a good night's sleep....providing the spray and breath right strips I got for Strider actually work and he doesn't snore.