Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Poor Bug, she woke up this morning all happy. I woke up to a smiling Bug climbing into bed with me, talk about a nice way to wake up. A few hours after waking up she had diarrhea, and bad. I'm talking the kind that explodes in the diaper and creeps up the back. Poor Bug. Then the fever kicked in. So, I gave her some tylenol, she's been drinking juice today which is good, it'll help keep her hydrated. But, the diarrhea's still there, if she still had the diarrhea tomorrow morning I'll call to get her an appointment with her doctor. I'm hoping she feels better soon.

Maybe she got sick from being out with me yesterday. It was cold and windy all day, very little rain, she never got wet or anything. She may have gotten sick from breathing in the germs of someone who was sick. We all know how those tiny micro-particles float through the air when we sneeze or cough without covering our mouths. All it takes is one sick person to cough or sneeze and not cover their mouth for others to get sick.

I know I should be doing the dishes right now, but I'm worn out. Bug's been running crazy today, when she's not laying on the floor, the couch or in my lap whimpering from the body aches.

Gonna just have to wait and see how she feels later tonight.

Before putting Bug to bed tonight I checked her's up to 100.4. I gave her Motrin so we'll see how it goes. I plan on calling her doctor tomorrow and getting her in if she still has either or both the diarrhea and fever. This poor kid, it sucks that she's sick again, but they say that kids get sick an average of 12 times a year.