Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Am I really that bad of a person?

Seriously, am I?

Tonight started off bad. On the way to pick up my mom I ran over a bird. Talk about a bad start to a night, it popped under the front tire and I nearly cried. Then we pick up my mom...and things went down hill from there, and I mean seriously down hill.

Bug loves to sing to music in the car, but my mom can't go for more than two seconds without talking. So what does she do? She starts talking to Bug while she's singing. I mention something about it after the second song. She snapped at me then started treating Bug like shit. I'm talking it got so bad that Strider actually yelled, twice. No matter how calm and nice I tried to talk to my mom she kept getting angrier and more mean spirited. When we got the restaurant she gets in my face after Strider and Bug went inside. After that she snaps again inside and decides to call a cab then starts talking shit about me to the restaurant owner! What the frakk?

Am I really that bad of a person that I should be treated like this? What the hell made her treat Bug the way she did?

Despite the way she acted and everything I hope she got home safely, I really do. She is my mother after all and I can't exactly stop caring about her, no matter how pissed off at her I get.

I'm going to get my Bug to bed now, maybe I'll post more later. Right now I feel the like crawling into a hole in my backyard and not coming out for a long while.

< /rant >


LBrowne said...

No, sis. You're not a bad person. Sometimes people simply have to make things miserable for others. Seems to me like your mother was in a bad mood to start with and just got worse as the night wore on. You know my thoughts on it, any who. Take heart, you're a wonderful person and a great momma. ^.^

Raven said...

Thanks, babe. I'm still feeling pretty off today. Emotionally and psychologically drained.