Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Politics, unemployment, immigrants... & HSUS

Why is it that we can not get someone in office that will be brave? I swear, there were a few things that pissed me off about Bush Jr, but over all he knew what he was doing. He took a stand for our military, made sure they got good annual raises and when someone tried to start shit with our country he took charge and declared war. Sure, I wasn't keen on the whole rebuilt Iraq bullshit, but he did what was right for the time. At least he wasn't a pussy like Clinton was. Now we have word comes to mind...twit. Seriously, what the frakk is his malfunction? He's so concerned with how he looks on camera and other crap that he could care less about the country.

You want to know the reason for the unemployment rate in this country? Out sourcing, that's what. The stuff that we're so dependent on is no longer made here in the US. We used to be so self sufficient, what the frakk happened? I'll tell you what happened, companies wanted to save money so they went to China, India and other countries to get stuff made at a cheaper labor rate, which saves them billions of dollars, yet it makes the population and the economy suffer. Lovely, no? Now the US is just getting fat and lazy, it's sickening really. If we want to help with the unemployment rate, bring the jobs back to the US, stop taking them away!

You want lower prices for gas? Then stop going to Iraq for crude, seriously, we have so much hard crude in warehouses it's not even funny. And why do we have them in storage? Because no one wants a plant in their home town that can covert hard crude into petrol.

Don't even get me started on China. They've been sending us toys and stuff containing lead for who knows how long. Are they trying to kill us? What wold happen if we put a tariff on China? Oh, wait, we did that then the big companies who are saving billions and avoiding paying their taxes would suffer cause they'd have to hire US people to do the same job at a decent pay.

Border control...or lack there of. Every day who knows how many illegal immigrants come into this country, and it's not just from Mexico which is the one we're so worried about. Check the shipping containers coming over from China, bet you'll find human trafficking going on there.

We're one frakked up country, I'll say that much. Little by little we're losing our Constitutional rights.

The oil spill in the Gulf has been getting a lot of press lately, a lot of attention. Yet why are so many people ignoring it like it doesn't exist? What's the HSUS doing about it? There are a lot of unanswered questions about them in my mind. Here's a blurb I found that sums it up pretty damned well, I think.

HSUS and the Oil Spill…Silence

The title of their organization is the Humane Society of the United States.

They have told us how they have been off to Haiti saving dogs and other animals after
earthquakes did damage. (Although the small island is known to not have many, if any, dogs).

They told us how they went in and scooped up dogs and animals right after Katrina and saved them. But no one for the life of me can tell me where those animals were sent to and they cannot produce records of any actual rescues.

They show us close-up photos of dogs with sad eyes…in cages.

But they don’t bother to tell you that many of those photos were taken in vet’s offices in their holding pens of animals waiting to be operated on, or were being given medications, etc. Not really photos of animals being mistreated…that is why the photos are seldom "wide screen" and almost always close up of just a cage or two.

Funny how silent HSUS has been with the obvious catastrophe about to occur along America’s gulf coast shores…oil heading to areas that will kill millions of natural habitats and their animals.

HSUS, with their millions and millions of your donated dollars for rescue…has not made a single announcement regarding the gulf region and how they plan on helping the USDA and others try to save the area’s wildlife.

You know…a huge…."Humane" effort being required.

Oh, I forgot…HSUS just got through telling us that USDA was nothing more than a puppy mill itself.

Guess we are lucky to have HSUS on the watch for us. Although at this point they seem a bit like Mighty Mouse without the cape or the ability to fly. A bit more like Batman on a drunken weekend.

Now if we can just get HSUS off their dead butts and actually do something other than stealing peoples’ dogs and then selling them at local Pet stores.

But that would be logical and responsible.

Neither seems to be in HSUS’s operating plans.

Michael Costin and the staff of The Oklahoma Reporter

So yeah, you tell me....what do you think? Is this country going to hell in a hand basket or what?

< /rant >